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Rat holes etc.

While I have been using my rat shape to move around, I've noticed how I have been missing a small site routs to use with rat. I feel a bit awkward to sneak through the streets, when it would be nice to sometimes use small rat holes, tunnels or so.

Would it be bad idea to add somekind small ways for very small sized creatures, for example to sewers, perhaps somewhere near the gate and some alleys?

In the poor section tiles of the underdark tileset, there are small 'barred windows' located along the base of some buildings.

Perhaps allowing ratty access (and maybe some halfling or even larger) access to these holes either as an alternate one-way access route to the sewers or allow access to subfloors of otherwise unaccessable areas, perhaps with corresponding quests?

Also, because rogues cannot effectively pick pockets, perhaps allowing One-shot only rogue quests that involve 'breaking into' various houses and pilfering their goods or fighting your way out and dodging the guards if you get caught, or discovering new plots and intrigues for quest chains... For quest like that, upper floor windows could even be used as access points.

Oh, using a varaint of the 'Alley Wall' transition for these would be how I would do it, and when a one-shot B&E is attempted again, have a message about the window has been secured due to recent break ins.

I know, the second half is its own suggestion in its own right.


Perhaps allowing ratty access (and maybe some halfling or even larger) access to these holes either as an alternate one-way access route to the sewers or allow access to subfloors of otherwise unaccessable areas, perhaps with corresponding quests?

Seems like a lot of work with very little benefit to put in extra areas and especially quests.

Also, because rogues cannot effectively pick pockets, perhaps allowing One-shot only rogue quests that involve 'breaking into' various houses and pilfering their goods or fighting your way out and dodging the guards if you get caught, or discovering new plots and intrigues for quest chains... For quest like that, upper floor windows could even be used as access points.

Rogues don't need anything to make up for them. Pick pockets is a pretty lame skill most of the time in a PW. Rogues get to focus on other skills. I already know several quests IG that are specifically tailored to rogues.

Why shoot it down?

Alternate access to the sewer would require few if any additional areas... just a couple of transitions with corresponding text messages.

As far as additional areas, a few basements or even buildings, are not that hard to make. Missions, I grant, are not so easy with the scripting, but still, its mostly just copying a few scripts and changing some text...

I would rather see general interest ideas developed first, but this idea got me to thinking of other related ideas, and I thought I would offer my ideas for the creators to toy with.

I would rather add to an idea than diminish it.