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Is this still operating? I can see who is currently in-game, but I can't seem to login...

Just curious.

Thanks, -Kalos

Works fine for me.

Keep in mind that you have to tie a password to your account.

To do this, go in-game, and type /c password yourpassword

Then use your Gamespy account name and your password to log into EFUSL!

I'd also like to mention I can't find a post on the forums about the EFUSL address.

Could the DM make a sticky with this info in the Information for New Players section with the web address and how to set up an account.

There already is one!

Keep in mind that you have to tie a password to your account.

To do this, go in-game, and type /c password yourpassword

Then use your Gamespy account name and your password to log into EFUSL!

Does the password I set need to be the same as my gamespy password?


Nope, it doesn't. Just the account.