Colonel Misery
2007-12-02 16:30:26 UTC
Those who seek knowledge of the ancient arts, those who would dedicate themselves to the cause of reason and research unchained by artificial concerns imposed by a value system that has no merit here, those who would live in peace and harmony with the walking dead, those who would explore the mysteries of Dunwarren and its many secrets, those who are unafraid to augment living flesh with unliving flesh, those who would seek to become Disciple to a budding Master - leave word for the Scholar, and receive your task.
//forum pms work
Colonel Misery
2007-12-11 19:35:52 UTC
Life in the Underdark is brutal and quick, yet it is the only one you have. If you do not wish to shuffle off this mortal coin in quite so expeditious a fashion, seek out the Scholar for knowledge of the pale path. The way between life and unlife is narrow and difficult, but it brings with it the advantages of both.
Colonel Misery
2007-12-16 21:24:22 UTC
The edifices of Sanctuary are crumbling. Beset by all manner of terrible threats, the Spellguard and Watch nevertheless dedicate themselves to the capture of a peaceful scholar who wishes nothing more than to bring peace and harmony between the living and unliving. With every attempt, the Watch and Spellguard and other assassins of a foolish more code are roundly defeated.
A new age of Dunwarren will soon be upon us. Dunwarren shall become a great city in the dark, no longer squalid and hiding from threats but become one of the great powers of the Underdark. With the power of the undead, the illithid empire can be crushed. The beholder hives ruined. The drow conquered, and their slaves freed.
Why insist on crippling ourselves, on handicapping our settlement and making us easy prey for our enemies?
If Sanctuary will not change its laws, then a new settlement of the enlightened will be founded within the ruins. All shall be welcome to take part in its peace and safety.
If you are willing to dedicate yourself to this cause in any way, leave word for the Scholar.
[What follows is a crude image of a smiling zombie shaking hands with a smiling human]
// Anyone who has already made arrangements with Aleczumberzeil, and does not have forum access already, please PM me your forum account name.
Colonel Misery
2007-12-25 18:49:31 UTC
A new community is even now being planned. Inspiring leaders and enlightened visionaries are needed to help this fledgling new settlement be founded and grow.
A thousand years in the future, historians will study the actions of those who lived during this momentous time. Will you pass from life without leaving a mark upon your world, or shall you aid in a great project and community that will herald a new age of harmony between the living and the unliving?
Leave word for the Scholar if you wish to participate.
Colonel Misery
2007-12-30 22:53:31 UTC
If you wish to help the Scholar in a highly dangerous event of historical significance, join him and his disciples in the shop of Thomas Alqvin in two days time.
// Tuesday 7:30 PM GMT//
Come well supplied.
Colonel Misery
2008-01-01 18:47:08 UTC
/// Postponed due to DM computer issues
Colonel Misery
2008-01-02 02:16:40 UTC
// Rescheduled for Wednesday, January 2, 7:30 PM GMT
Send forum PM pronto if you can't make it!//