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Perym Wethain

Amusing to see how roads bend and twist throughout life. How they cross with the paths that others walk, and how there are so many different paths attached. Also amusing is how even wrong turns fold out into nought but more road. It seems this rings as true, even for paths which lead directly to the very Underdark itself, a place where I don't believe anything but the purest form of sheer corruption belongs. Buried away under the feet of the innocent. Regardless, this is where I seem to have found myself. And, sadly, it appears that I am far from the first. The stories of brave adventurers disappearing into the darkness, only to be taken by what lurks within are true, it seems. Though there is a fleeting bastion of hope, slowly being smothered in the shadows of its very own light. Sanctuary, the inhabitants call it. It seems that this place offers shelter to all manner of folk, all of whom walk vastly different, entwining paths. With the exception of a few, naturally. It is a place torn by greed and abuse, it seems. A city divided due to the fueds of the past. Astonishing how Humans can fight among themselves, regardless of what utter horrors may surround them. And though it causes undeniable anguish to witness, it seems a few of my own kind have been scattered about within this city of the Underdark. An even more troubling corroboration is that several of these poor, lost individuals have heeded the lies that omen corruption. Naturally, I find it my duty to set them back on a path that shan't lead them into the burning abyss, and back towards Yondalla's Children. Though I fear that the only ones that can be led to the cornucopia of the Blessed One are those that wish to follow a guide, and it seems that none of them are willing. There are individuals that allow a festering of buoyancy to the depths of the vile, however. One of these faith-strengthening folk would be a fairly young Hin, devote and chosen of the Wary Sword. A warrior favoring the axe, and quite the conjecturer. Although the air of arrogance about him is incontestable, to the point where it can cause one to become mildly irate, he acts as though he follows his faith incontrovertibly. A behavour certainly befitting a paladin, even though it does appear to make the young warrior believe that his word is greater than the opinions of others. However, it does seem that the callow blade-wielder has layors; there is undoubtibly more to him than would first be witnessed and assumed. A generous heart, one which harbors burdens that none should have to endure, lies beneath an act of hardened weapon-steel. Another trait befitting a true Guardian. I can only pray that the heart is not drowned by the steel it is forced to shelter behind. That the heart, too, is as buoyant to troubling experiences as the person is to the darkness surrounding him. I trust he shall succeed in fulfilling the word and expectation of The Defender without doubt.

I've met few people in this city. Though simply walking the streets, the bitter assaults of the foul ram at my mind whenever I attempt to harness the gift of sight. This place truly is awaiting its own self-destruction. I pray that I shall succeed in saving however many I may prior to the dying town's self-enduced immolation. ~ Perym Wethain.

The amount and antics of dark-touched Hin in this city has grown rediculous. As of such, I've been forced to devise a means of seperating them from those that haven't turned their backs upon the Blessed One. Yondalla, I plead to you, forgive me for being ignorant to your message of acceptance. In order to protect, I'm forced to alienate. If I am able to build something that can distinguish the uncorrupt from the evil, then our safety can be further assured. It may even prompt those who have fallen to the likes of Shar and Mask back towards The Provider, and the promise of Green Fields. Though I find myself in doubt. Is what I have chosen to do just, is it the correct course of action?

I shall pray and meditate on the matter. ~ Perym Wethain

It seems I require to devise another means of protecting my kind from itself. After several days of thought and contemplation, coupled with a conversation, I've decided against practicing upon my origional idea. Though my oaths are to protect all that is innocent and pure from all that is vile and corrupt, I simply can not envoke the prejudice of certain people of my own kin. Even if the other act was the lesser of two evils. Hopefully, the majority of people here know that few Hin act as the evil ones do. I've also decided that I may be assisting some manner of reconstruction group in Lower Sanctuary. I don't know how well I shall be able to assist them, though it is my duty to at least attempt to help them. Unknowingly, I was speaking to the leader of this group, thinking him just another member. We discussed the matter of the children beggers in Lower. How they're little more than thieves, how they require a safe place to live, and how they should be educated - not simply in numbers and letters, but regarding morals and the like. The leader, a Painbarer of The Suffering God, then said that he didn't want to worry about it yet. He stated that he's not "bogged down" by them yet. I found it just slightly alarming, and thus I offered to assist. Someone who only cares for children out of duty, and not for the innocence they embody, or the value of their lives, simply shouldn't be attempting to care for them. A man can only be a child once, before he grows into a man; it is another's duty to ensure that the childhood is one that can be reflected and smiled upon.

I finally managed to meet with Drin. Our conversation proved, for the most part, pointless. The arrogant Strongarm is ignorant to everything that isn't within the limited bounds of what he already knows, as well as apparently prone to dwelling upon the anguishes of his past. He didn't seem aware that others have suffered as well. In all honesty, I find myself uncertain as to why I'm angered towards him. Could it be because he reminds me of myself?

~ Perym Wethain.

The young desire more of it, the old desire less of it, all of us possess it. Age. Though does it truly cause one to become slower, or weaker, or even senial? I am approaching what may well be my seventieth decade, I believe. Not quite 'very old,' I suppose, though not too far off of it. Yondalla teaches us to care for our elderly, just as we care for our children. Supposedly, it is to be treated as some manner of reward for all the work that was had in life. Does it mean that I will have younger Hin attempting to make everything 'easier' for me, as well as following me about? I certainly hope that I do not. Though I'm afraid that there are more worries to be had. I should place this petty freting out of my mind; there are others suffering in ways unimaginable. It is wrong that I focus upon my own sorrows.

But will age make me useless? ~ Peym Wethain.

I awoke in Sanctuary's temple of Tyr this dark. I'm still not entirely certain as to what happened prior to my awakening, but I believe that I had died. Or come remarkably close to it. I had decided to accompany a small number of adventurers into what I can only describe as a child's nightmare, within which the things that were supposed to provide entertainment attempted to gut you in the most painful ways. Drin was seperated from us, I believe. The only other armour-burdened warrior fell rather quickly, before I could act. I fought whilst the others fled. I'm not sure what occured after that, though I am more than certain that all of them thought I'd be well on my way to Greed Fields. Not that I am complaining at all, but why am I still here? Was I denied?

Everything after 'being returned' is as much a blur as prior to waking on that alter. My entire body still aches all through, though my wounds were closed. Out of all of it, I believe my head hurts the most. Regardless, as opposed to feeling pitiful, I should see if I can find the one who brought me here.

~ Perym Wethain.

Drin persuaded me to attend a tournament hosted by an Illithrid. Not to participate, mind you, as to do so would surely have been suicide. The horrors of that place are still fresh within my mind. The creature, an utter monster by any standards, forced his slaves of various races to fight for their freedom against adventurers, whom fought for greed. He even pitted one gnome against another. As Rindlegaun stated; no Son Of Garl should have to face another in battle. I must admit, I was rather shocked to find Rindlegaun there. It doesn't seem at all like something that he would enjoy. Perhaps I should reconsider those I think of as friends. Regardless, I recall a small beast which walked on all four of its legs, it had what looked to be a massive brain attached to its face; it tore open the skull of a dwarf and feasted upon what rested inside. Drow sat above us, swishing wine glasses and cheering for more blood and death, a clear sign that this horrid form of entertainment is common among them. That place shall certainly find itself in my nightmares. More troubling, though, was the behaviour of the Hin that accompanied me. He was enjoying it. Though when I looked to him, I saw no evil. Perhaps I've fallen from grace?

~ Perym Wethain.

It's an amazing, breathtaking feeling. One that often leaves he who experiences it stunned and confused. As though all the colour in the world had suddenly faded to a plain grey, as though regardless of how high you may be, you'll slip and fall down to land where everyone else eventually lands. To be insufficiant. To fail. I'm certain that everyone I've met has failed at least once in their life. Though it seems I've been failing more oft than most. It also seems that when I do fail, people die. Merribuck is a wonderous example. When we were forced to battle the embodyments of flame, she fell because I could not rush beside her in time. Fortunatly, she was returned to life, though that doesn't alter what I had done. The next dark that I met with her, she insisted upon travelling with a group containing two people who's hearts had been blackened with hatred. I attempted to detur her from the obligation she held to her party, though she refused and went with them regardless. I was unable to follow. I told Drin of the one failure that haunts me above all of the others. I still see the girl's eyes when my own are closed. Hear her cries.

~ Perym Wethain.