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Hello everybody!

I stumbled on an article about this PW quite accidentally, and was immediately fascinated by the concept. So I found this website, and decided to log in. I'll have to say, this server is definitely the thing I was looking for: a great mixture of roleplaying and adventuring. I've played on some good roleplaying servers, but I think they tried too hard to be like PnP RP, which a CRPG can never manage, so it didn't really work, not for me at least. It got to be too much about the social situations around the characters, and not enough about the fantasy role playing adventure aspects of the game. But here, in the Underdark, it feels different. I've only been playing for three days now, but I already know I'm going to love this place. Quests, conflicts, DM events, marvellous roleplayers, a lot of Euro players, and most of all, a grand setting to do this all in!! Yay, I'm hooked. :D

Anyway. I'm from Finland, been playing PnP RP's for about 17 years now, most of the time as the DM (well, GM since we play GURPS). At the moment I play Evine Rencent, and used to play her cousin, Sugo Rencent (under a different login name), but he was really just my getting-to-know-the-server -character, and he met his end in some old mine shaft. I'm looking forward to take part in a Prelude with a new character, and getting to know more players here.

Oh, and I just gotta say, I love the homepage! I was first introduced to the Forgotten Realms setting when I started playing Neverwinter Nights, so this kind of info-package about races, sub-races, classes and gods is very helpful. Before I've always had to search the Net for bits and pieces of information, but now I can find most of the info I need right here, even for a different game, or for my friends so they can make proper characters for the modules I DM.

*looks up* Well, that was a long greeting. Anyway. Good to be here. Kudos to all the DM's, dev's and players who have made this server feel so alive.


Welcome aboard.

Welcome to efu fellow countryman.

Tervetuloa Uumenenalaan. (On muuten surkein suomennos ikinä.)

What can you say? Scandinavia FTW! It's happening, I've told you! :P

Finns are taking over!


Welcome to the Underdark.

Welcome and nice avatar :D

moi usta hyva

welcome I am happy to see you eh ;)

Damned Scandinavians. English, please!

And welcome, ye Kobolde. :)

Mexican, it is, Moi ystävä hyvä meaning in english like: "Hello there good friend."

Kobolde I stumbled on an article about this PW quite accidentally, and was immediately fascinated by the concept.

Just curious, which article and where?