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Letter to Sugriam Clickle [DM]

Mister Clickle,

We spoke only briefly so you may not remember me. I am Laurentia Valerius, High Merchant of House Valerius, Head of the Valerian Emporium. When we spoke you seemed rather agitated and keenly intent on finding a certain drow so that you may leave Sanctuary. You also spoke of harassment from the Spellguard.

As you probably already know, the Council has restored the authority of the Spellguard in Sanctuary, and I am certain they will begin hounding you and your customers with renewed vigor.

My job puts me into contact with a large number of individuals, of many different backgrounds and occupational persuasions, and as such I may be able to provide to you assistance in finding this drow you seek.

However, more to my own interests, I noticed that you have the ability to magically enchant certain items. I am requesting the crafting of a certain item that will aid me in discerning the nature of certain objects. Although I am highly knowledgeable, the use of divinations to empower my efforts would be greatly rewarding. I believe a spyglass with five charges per-day of a item-discerning divination ((identify)) would be effective enough.

I am, of course, wholly willing to compensate you for your efforts. I realize that it is your intention to flee Sanctuary, and in addition to attempting to locate this drow, I would like to assist you in helping you rid yourself of your remaining stock. In return for the spyglass I have requested, and the aid I am rendering, I would also like to purchase your stall within the bazaar.

Through my efforts, you will finally be able to leave Sanctuary, as you desire. Please, write me back stating the price you would charge for the crafting of this spyglass, and if it is beyond you, know that I am still interested in aiding you in the other ways mentioned.

I hope that this letter reaches you in good health, and the Spellguard have not yet arrested you as they are known for doing.

Laurentia Valerius High Merchant of House Valerius Head of the Valerian Emporium