Rubyglow -
I've still got your armors. I can't keep them any longer. If you don't come get them within the next two darks, I'm going to sell them and keep the gold as a storage fee.
- Private Jaden Sarkish
Rubyglow -
I've still got your armors. I can't keep them any longer. If you don't come get them within the next two darks, I'm going to sell them and keep the gold as a storage fee.
- Private Jaden Sarkish
*having noticed this letter was from the watch and collecting dust, Drin opens the letter and replies*
I am responding on behalf of the Warden as I have not seen him in a great many days.
I will collect the armor from you. Please send word for me on your availability.
Drin Shieldarm of Arvoreen Greycloak for New Dunwarren