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Society of the Ordered Mind

The following letter is neatly written and folded, in thick, block lettering with careful spaces between the words.


I've come recently to this city, but already, your name has been mentioned to me as one I should speak with. My own meagre explorations have led me to find sheerly unnatural things; and we know enough of them surround us in all six directions.

I'd speak with you about your goals, and what I can do to aid in them. I don't, yet, know what a single figure can do against those that threaten, not our lives, or minds, or faith, but simply that which we are; but I know that we have to try if we wish to keep ourselves.

Please reply to me. Though I do look through the city, still, exploring it, you are perhaps best to reply to the Last Stand.

Valey Aset.

Miss Aset,

Hello! I will gladly speak to you when I can, the Society of the Ordered Mind has always had a high death rate due to the danger of the wicked aberrations that we face on our crusade and thus we are always looking to recruit new members to join our ranks. If you're disciplined, skilled and hold the ideal of our crusade closely in your heart, you'll definitely stand a chance of being accepted!

Ordinant Mirabella Merribuck.