2007-11-21 00:49:38 UTC
As well designed, plentiful and dangerous as the module's areas are, there must come a time when a player has gotten to know it too well.
To avoid this, I suggest some random transitions where the map a character loads into is variable. The player will never know what they'll get when they transition.
Some text along the lines of "you travel for some distance into the underdark and stumble upon (rough description of setting and possible hints of inhabitants )
When the character goes to leave, text to the effect of "you doubt you could ever find your way back here," or "soon the site you discovered is lost far behind you in the jumbled terrain"
With each area would come benefits for having gone there :
a mushroom garden might spawn various cuttings,
A cavern full of undead might yield necromantic objects
A crystal grotto yield purple crystals and summoning reagents
2007-11-21 01:05:33 UTC
Yes! I love this on a server I was playing on before I came here, but it is hard to include when a server is this late in development.
The idea beyond it is that it inserts incertainty in travel, but it is easy to script for a single player...
However, for a multiplayer party? Ouch, now that becomes tough to script...
what about pursuers? boom, transition- you were 5 feets behind a victim, and it ports that victim to a different transition...
One way to go around this? - - - if the transition was random BUT stayed locked for 5 minutes... leaving enough time for a party to walk through- (late travellers can get lost!).
2007-11-21 01:08:53 UTC
There are areas like this. These are usually labled with an @ symbol. Sometimes these are for specific DM quest areas, but I've seen them added just for regular Joe Adventurer to find!
The key to this is to explore and re-explore! just because you have mapped every inch with your handy mapping kit doesn't mean your map stay's accurate for long!
2007-11-21 01:13:08 UTC
Well, there could be some IC map changes with earthquakes and the like to make boulders blocking commonly used paths and have them explore for a new path, or even build a new one.
2007-11-21 01:25:53 UTC
We're currently doing something similar to help ease off the familiarity of the Underdark, although I do like this idea and will add it to my to-do list!
2007-11-21 01:28:12 UTC
There are areas like this. These are usually labled with an @ symbol. Sometimes these are for specific DM quest areas, but I've seen them added just for regular Joe Adventurer to find!The key to this is to explore and re-explore! just because you have mapped every inch with your handy mapping kit doesn't mean your map stay's accurate for long!
But this isnt what the suggestion is about. This is something alternative.