Written with distinctive grace and penmanship almost of that of another race, this notice is pinned up boldly to in prominant locations to gather attention.
Greetings good citizens of Sanctuary! Your city is in need of your help, for a crucial task that that has been lacking in the well-being of the city. The Watch requires dutiful and skilled adventurers to lend their assistance to the Watch Scouting Division to reassert a outward scouting effort.
The Watch will be holding occassional scouting parties comprised of adventurers, scouts and others loyal to the city in order to seek out threats and trouble areas out in the Underdark that could endanger the city. We will also be looking for volunteers for a more longterm forward defense initiative and will be seeking out active participants to join the group and select a leader to operate it. This group will report to the Watch and will be privvied to reports concerning outside threats and general knowledge of the areas. If any feel they wish to contribute to the safety and well-being of this city, leave word for Private Hawke at the Watch house.
The Sanctuary Watch