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Grand Moot

[Posted in Druidic throughout Mycopolis]

With Anhe missing, it is time to call another Moot to decide our leadership.

All druids are asked to come forth to decide our future leader.

In keeping to tradition, our leader will be chosen by trial of mind and body. Any may step forward to claim the title of Arch Druid, and any may challenge them either in physical combat or with a question of wisdom.

The Grand Moot is planned for one month hence.

//I'm thinking Saturday December 1st. Time can be decided upon later. Probably about 7-8 PM GMT.

//If you play a druid and are not part of the Mycopolis board, let me know! If you want to play a druid, please do! Talk to Me (CrazyNut) or FatalShift if you're having trouble with concept. Don't be fooled by the Druidic stereotype, there are many ways to play a druid.

//PS: No amount of lore checking will let you read this if you're not a druid. :-P