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Open letter to the Council.

To the council,

My name is Yvonne Rhune. I am interested in replicating the Sanctuary sending stone device. I have assembled a team of skilled mechanics and arcanists capable of constructing a working copy.

The advantages of having a solid grasp on this technology should be obvious. If sufficient parts can be accessed, and mages made available for operation, there is no reason why Sanctuary could not have multiple sending machines. This would be a boon to the city, aiding security, prosperity and the sharing of ideas.

To have my team complete this task, I am requesting access to the current sending machine. This will involve several team members spending time in the Herald’s office, watching the machine being activated. It will also require his cooperation in answering questions regarding his knowledge of the sending machine.

I stress that the team would not interfere with the normal functioning of the office. They would not be attempting to dismantle the machine, or limit its functionality. If you are worried about their backgrounds, my team can be vetted by the Watch first.

Please send a reply to the Pissing Crone.

Yvonne Rhune.

I believe the spellguard is the leading authority on the sending system. If you desire to deal with it i suggest asking them first.

Councilor Fizzwiggle