Home > Lower Sanctuary

Kill the Spellguard! (v2)

[A plain notice pinned to the Crone's Wall next to the door]

Fellow men, women, beggars and orphans of Lower,

Upper once again threatens our freedom. The Watch, the hive of wanna-be tyrants, and the Spellguard, regardless of our 'independence' still wish to extend their rotting tentacles to strangle us, but we know better than to let them! We remember Bhast, we remember Dhogur and most importantly, we still remember Ubel and the dream of freedom! No Upper men shall come and enforce the Watch's and the Spellguard's perverted justice upon us! Let us fight for what is ours!

If you see a Spellguard Agent in Sanctuary Below and you still love your freedom, do what you can to chase them out. The brave should kill them on sight..

Below is a list of Spellguard agents. If you identify more of those, list them here. We will confirm if the information is true and add to the master list.

Agents of the Spellguard: Agents spy upon Lower under the guide of invisibility. One is to be careful around these treacherous snakes.

Agent Blake: A slim woman usually seen in a helmet.

Agent Best: A fat man, also usually seen in a helmet and the characteristic Spellguard robes. Quite proficient with magic, one should tread carefully when approaching this fat snake.

Agent Elia Vendrask: Another slim woman usually wearing a helmet. Usualyl seen wearing the characteristic robes, although she sometimes disguises herself. [DEAD]

Agent James Petrov: A slightly tall man with the characteristic robes, this agent is also associated with the Illithid Intryzz. It seems like the Spellguard relations get better and better! Associates of the Spellguard: Associates may take any form, from any place. Keep an eye out for them.

Gnorman the Tinker - Insane gnome. Aspiring Agent. Notable for carrying around a crossbow that he claims is his wife. The crossbow's name is Melinda, probably after the bitch vampire Melinda Bresley. Bonus points for the one who steals and burns the crossbow.

Noirin Waken the "Lore Master" - A Spellguard Associate. A dwarf that's known to carry around a gnarled staff. He claims he retired from the Associate Program, but we know better! Supporters of the Spellguard shall not be supported in this land! Let's eliminate the Spellguard influence within our paradise of freedom!

K- Sells odd wares, also ran for Upper council election.

Misc. Information:

* The Spellguard hold a variety of bases here in Lower. Keep an eye out for them. One is notably next to the staircase where the lift once was. It served as a barracks for the Bhast Mercenaries and a base for The Spellguard.

* The Watch seems to be hiring assassins openly for doing the dirty work in Lower. One should be careful in handling them, as they usually come in groups.

Ubel's dream lives on, as long as Lower lives! We will not abide to any ruler, be it gangster, watchman or Spellguard, nor will we be bullied or intimidated to do anything. It will be the way of Lower, or no way at all!

- The Unshackled -

Two lines are added to the bottom of the notice, written in a neatly flowing hand

Whatever happened to Monty Criler Ubel? Whatever happened to Sheriff Calley Hennet?

-------- OOC:{written on the notice in-game}

Monty was assassinated by cowardly spellguard. He will be avenged.

And more names were added. Keep in check, they've became more courageous, and snakes in the open are no better than the ones hiding.

- The Unshackled -

An irritated looking James Lysik scribbles something upon the bottom of the notice, before waltzing away, puffing furiously at his pipe.

That drunk fool Criler was not an Ubel, you damned dimwits.

We will never know peace until Stephanos Simms is strangled with the entrails of the last Agent!

[A line is crossed through the name Agent Elia Vendrask and after it is marked -DEAD-, a small svirfneblin is then seen scampering off]

Remember James Lysik!

For too long have petty despots and men with pretensions to rule enforced their own unjust laws on Sanctuary Below. We are an enclave of freethinking patriots who have left behind the chains forged above us, and yet agents of the Watch, Spelltyrants, and Councilors fat off the spoils of corruption invaded our home and attempted to steal away our precious, hard earned rights. For passing a man they've marked for death in the street, we are to be murdered under their laws. Truly, those who cower in Upper have the fairness of the drow and the brutality of the duergar. They seek to enslave us, to bind us in manacles more subtle than our former owners and bend us to their will. They intend for us serve, and if we step out of line even for a moment they will murder us and everyone we dare call friend.

The stoning cage still drips with the best and bravest blood. It was Walters, a true tyrant of Upper's ignoble mold, who saw to it that cradles would be robbed and women's breasts unbabed to supply Traensyr's slave auction. It was the Tigereyes, paid with the filthy lucre of Upper slavers, who spilled the blood of the martyred multitudes of Lower.

No mercy for SLAVERS!

Strike down any Watchman or Spelltyrant you see!

Plant the head of a Watchman or Agent on a pike outside the fortress. These cowardly wretches deserve nothing short of death. Take their gold, paid from the wicked hands of drow, to hire freedom loving assassins to strike down more.

Seeker Lysik's death is no excuse to spread lies and incite murder. Cease and desist from this, if you truly believed in the man. There are other ways to deal with it.

--- Seeker Vashan

Posted only in Sewertown and some of the surrounding stretch's of sewer, ending well before the Pump House lift: Invasion!

The Watchers and Spelltyrants seek to take hold of Lower and force you back into chains. Children of Lower, disciples of Ubel and Bresley, and all defenders of freedom, RESIST!

Strike the bastards down. Cut them to pieces, that your children may live in freedom and peace! Sharpen your swords and prepare to plant your axe into the skull of tyrants and assassins from above!

All who wish to keep Lower free from drow-sympathizers and slavers from above, leave word with Gran for Lysik's last remaining friend.

Remember James Lysik! Avenge Pearce Danielson!