2007-11-14 11:44:53 UTC
I enjoy playing EFU and appreciate all the work done on this server so don't take this as an unhappy cry.
I have found recently there are limits on some quests as to how often you can do them. I assume this is to stop people doing the same quest with the phat loot over and over and not doing others quests. I don't know how many quests this applies to either so maybe it doesn't have a big effect.
The trouble is when you die. I have a character that has twice made it to level 6 doing a variery of quests and then promptly died. Back to the bottom of level 5. It makes it harder to get back to 6 with less quests available and I am clearly not making an uber character from doing these quests so often or I wouldn't be dying.
The simple solution would be for me to be a better player and not die but that is not so likely in the next month or so.
Well after all that blabbing I'll get to the point. As an average or worse player I feel I am getting the brunt of a change designed to stop the better players taking advantage of a loophole. Is there anyway this can be changed so that PCs who die aren't hindered by this system?
Cheers, thanks for the server, it is fun.
2007-11-14 13:49:18 UTC
The amount of quests changed by limiting the amount of times you can take it is like one or two.
2007-11-14 14:01:26 UTC
There are only two of these quests so far, and new (repeatable) quests have been added since these two were made non-repeatable! There will always be more repeatable quests than limited ones, but you might have to do a little legwork to find/reach new quests.
2007-11-14 16:13:58 UTC
The non-repeatable quests are generally pretty easy and provide a rather high reward to risk ratio compared to the other quests. The point is to get your newly created, poor, and lootless PC a bit of a head start. If you are at level 6 and die to level 5, you will generally still have your gear, money, and consumables that should make the other level 5 quests that ARE repeatable much easier to do.
2007-11-14 19:24:34 UTC
There was a quest (that's now gone) where you could get a key to the Pyrimo by simply giving an item to an NPC and that was that! Trick was, you could only do it once....ever.
I think there is one other quest that I know of that has this limit, and it's really more of a tribute to a certain class and it's abilities than anything, so being able to complete it once per character, seems fair enough.
The above posts are also right in that there are still plenty of repeatable quests to do that don't limit your 'rebuilding' process of your character.
Personally, I take it as an opportunity to do two things: RP a long term wound/loss of or jarred memory (to compensate for lost skill points/spells/feats) and to get to know new players.
My rogue Tarnis, must have died 100 times. Several of those put him all the way back to level TWO! Because of this, he met/bonded with a multitude of people that he otherwise wouldn't have had he not died.
Try to find the bright side of it all and don't worry what quests are/aren't available.
2007-11-14 20:31:22 UTC
Thanks, as I said I had only found it on 2 quests and didn't know if there were many quests with limits. If it is a low number it won't make a big difference. Cheers.
2007-11-14 22:17:59 UTC
There are three quests now with this sort of limiting enabled. They're basically only available to lowbies, and are so incredibly rewarding that we felt it best to limit the amount of times a player is able to go through the areas. We have tons and tons of quests! More than anyone could comfortably do in sitting, even if a lowbie. Happy questing!
2007-11-17 11:29:04 UTC
I enjoy playing EFU and appreciate all the work done on this server so don't take this as an unhappy cry.I have found recently there are limits on some quests as to how often you can do them. I assume this is to stop people doing the same quest with the phat loot over and over and not doing others quests. I don't know how many quests this applies to either so maybe it doesn't have a big effect.
The trouble is when you die. I have a character that has twice made it to level 6 doing a variery of quests and then promptly died. Back to the bottom of level 5. It makes it harder to get back to 6 with less quests available and I am clearly not making an uber character from doing these quests so often or I wouldn't be dying.
The simple solution would be for me to be a better player and not die but that is not so likely in the next month or so.
Well after all that blabbing I'll get to the point. As an average or worse player I feel I am getting the brunt of a change designed to stop the better players taking advantage of a loophole. Is there anyway this can be changed so that PCs who die aren't hindered by this system?
Cheers, thanks for the server, it is fun.
Ok I am still fairly new here but this is how I see it. Questing is really at your own risk, dying is costly(1/3 of current xp for respawn) therefore pick your party carefully. It is an Rp server and thats why you dont see to many past lvl 6 or 7 ( which is still this highest I have managed). Keep in mind most in sanctuary are refugees and can barely survive, to get even as high as lvl 6 is quite a feat. This is only how I see it and could be very wrong, but I think I got the read on it.
2007-11-18 04:27:56 UTC
Sorry to hear you are dying. I know how annoying it can be at times, particularly when you feel as if the death isn't related at all to how well you played your character.
The best advice I can give is to try to stick with it and if you are truly upset, take a break for a bit. If you find you keep dying, perhaps you should think about trying a new character that's more optimized for combat than your last. I recently stopped playing a successful character that I really enjoyed roleplaying simply because he was not optimized for stomping through quests. After suffering a gross number of deaths, it was not worth playing him anymore simply due to my frustration at dying constantly.
I hope that helps.
2007-11-18 10:28:28 UTC
The only thing that irked me was when I take those quests and then the server goes down; or if someone in my party accidentally takes it without being actually wanting to do it, and then you can't take it again.
Might it be possible that it can be taken more often than once, but only be completed once per character?