Greetings folks.
As some of you may or may not know, I'm doing a little IC project to attempt to revamp Fort Mur.
That said however, I noticed that all the important places in the city had one key thing:
Sewertown? Rat races. Gambling hall? Yeah. Crone? You know it.
After a chat with Oro in IRC Yesterday about his zombie mini-game, I came I've been compiling a few games of my own, and I would like some player feedback on what you think would be "The Best". I plan to run all of them, but to choose which one, I thought I'd poll the player base.
(Suggestions also welcomed!)
A Goblin is placed inside a cage, "Chamber", and forced to drink various vials of poison.
The strength of the poison will alter the prices, and basically it is a game of odds.
Betting on A) How long it takes to die, or B) The Odds that it -will- die. (still haven't chosen which yet). As mur is a duergar fort, and duergar are immune to poison, I figured that they would find the notion of watching another creature struggle and die where they succeeded, would tickle their fancy. I also figure that a good deal of PC's also hate goblins, so they may make the trek out there if the chances of making a good bit of money on gambling, would be there.
Two rows of poison-tipped-spears will be laid at angles (In which falling on would kill), and each individual is allowed to place bets on an individual spear. Closer spears will be cheaper, where as the further ones would be more long shots. A goblin will be spun around in circles, then in weighted shackles, be forced to walk dizzily through the collum poison-tipped spears. Through a series of reflex checks, each getting increasingly harder, the first check he fails by a roll of 5, he will fall onto the spear, be poisoned/killed, and the winner will get his bet and whatever odds were taken.
GAME 3: Pit-O-Acid
More of a game then gambling, Similar to a dunk-tank, a Goblin will be placed on a ledge, above a collection of acid flaskes emptied into a stone pit. Each contestant will be given 3 chances, and should he strike a target (based on a dex roll), the goblin will fall into the vat. After that, various underdark-themed prizes will be offered to the victor.
Game 4: Chug, Chug, Dead.
Similar to the "Shell game" for those of you familiar with it, a simple street game, where an item is placed under a plastic cup, and then the cups are shuffled regularly. Instead however, The cups will be filled with ale, and instead of covering something in it, the cups will be poisoned.
Using a randomly chosen number with a DM present (To avoid accusations of me chosing a different number), [poisons two of the ales], and then the emote of [shuffles the cups relentlessly and swiftly], the character will chose 1, 2, or 3, and then chug the vial of his choice. One will be free of toxins, where as the other two will be heavily poisoned.
Should he get the vial without the poison he wins his coin and then some, but the loser gets to enjoy an evening of painful vomiting, or perhaps even death. (Depending on the amount of coin they are willing to risk.
Game 5: Goblin Candles
Using the spell combust, a pair or trio of rather stocky warrior goblins are lit aflame, and bets are taken on which will survive, and which will be burned alive.
[/end games]
Just the four I've thought of, any thoughts or favorites is welcomed, or suggestions of your own ideas that I can shamelessly rip off to use IG, would be welcomed.
I plan to run all four eventually, but I'd just like some PC feedback about which one you folks think would "Gather the most folks" if I were to run it first.