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Big Badaboom!

My brand new PC just blew up. White sparks flew from where the Power Supply Unit is located. So I'm suspecting power shortage of some sort. Hopefully nothing else is harmed (motherboard, ram, hard disks, etc..).

So I'll be missing for a while again, and the website update and portrait packs delayed until i can get my rig fixed. Sincere apologies to those who've been waiting for both.

- colin

What a let down that sucks. :(

Phew. Nothing major. the short was confined to the PSU. Just got that replaced, installed a water cooler, and should be back in business.

Good to hear you're back. Hope it will work this time.

Welcome back!

Been missing for the past week or so, reason? PC problems again. :?

I'm still doing some testing and tweaking to fix some stability issues. I think I've got it narrowed down to my 6600GT overheating in the afternoons. The tropical heat and humidity here in Malaysia is killing my rig. >.<

Damn - How it must suck to live in a country where the weather's always nice, and the beaches are never far away.

Coldburn stares out his window, to view the leafless trees being bend double under the sheer force of the wind, while rain batters on the ground, causing the streets to go all muddy. Distant rumbling can be heard while a thunderstorm approaches.

But he can't play EfU. :cry:

Have a heart Cold. Have a heart.

Garem Have a heart Cold. Have a heart.
Can it be a cold heart? :D