Greetings Councillors,
There has been a distinct rise in the trend towards vigilantiism here in the Sanctuary over the last few weeks. A great portion of the Watch's case files are now being closed not by arrest and trial, but by bloodshed at the hands of unofficial bounty hunters. The Lower Non-Involvement Act does nothing to aid in this, as it only further hampers the Watch's ability to pursue criminals that flee into the Lower District.
There is, however, a bigger issue. I will direct your attention to the fact that not even a SINGLE suspected criminal engaged by a bounty hunter in the last few months has survived the encounter to be brought in for an official trial and to be subjected to the process of our intended justice system.
I will direct your attention to the fact that after last dark's bombing at the Tempan Shrine, no warrant was filed, almost no statements were taken, and a band of uppersmen trekked into the Lower, slaying the suspects with not even a witness of the events present or armed with anything more than a basic description of the suspects. These men were allowed by Lieutentant Sunellar to keep the gold and posessions taken from the suspects as a "bounty," even though no official bounty had been offered.
I shall not state that I do not believe that many of the men who have been brought low by the actions of these bounty hunters were not guilty of capital crimes, nor that many of them would not have been executed for these crimes. I will state, however, that such punishments should not be in the hands of common citizens, armed with only anger and zeal, or the desire for profit.
I still believe in Justice, and it is supposed to be delivered by the Council, after considering evidence and weighing the crimes commited, and putting forth a just and proper sentence. It is not to be delivered at the end of a blade in the middle of Lower Streetways amidst bloody chaos of battle.
I am certain there is no simple solution to this problem, but I urge the Council to consider repealing the Lower Non-Involvement act, and to pursue legislation to limit the Watch's ability to post public bounties, because it has been shown that these bounties are little more than Assassination marks. We as a city and as a people are better than that.
I thank you for considering my words, ~Agent Arianna G Westerling~