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Letter to Sheriff Walters and Concerned Watchmen

Recently, Councilor Reynolt issued a decree gaining popularity in Lower Sanctuary with the criminal element of this city. Commonly refered to now as the Aegis of Reynolt, it forbids watchmen or Spellguard agents from entering Lower Sanctuary in uniform without advance notice being provided to the Tigereye mercenary band.

It is shameful that a group of mercenaries sworn only to accept payments of gold in return for our safety is afforded greater authority in the most dangerous parts of the city, and the ability to prevent us from capturing dangerous criminals when only our agencies are sworn to uphold the safety of this city foremost in our minds.

The Spellguard is suggesting that both our agencies appeal this decision to the mayor and the Council in full through a joint letter. The proposal will remind the Council that the Spellguard oversees all aspects of Sanctuary's safety including the Lower levels while the Watch has every right to pursue criminals into Lower Sanctuary. A clear ranking structure must be established with the Tigereyes clearly enforcing a supplementary role in their patrol of Lower Sanctuary but still required to fulfill any warrants issued by the Watch that they lack the manpower to fulfill in Lower.

The Tigereyes, as an agency employing magic users must be warded properly as are all buildings in Upper Sanctuary. It must be made clear that in an situation where jurisdiction is at state that the Spellguard oversees all issues involving magic, the Watch oversees all aspects of the law, and the Tigereye exist to keep the peace in Lower Sanctuary under the law as overseen by the Watch.

We seek your cooperate in this matter. The Aegis of Reynolt can not be allowed to continue, not as he foolishly allows drow to find and then walk away from our gates and criminals to walk at large on our streets.

Agent Hectra

Agent Hectra,

You have my full cooperation on the matter.

- Sheriff Eugene Walters

Sheriff Walters rewards himself with a nice snack of candied mushrooms before allowing himself a mid-afternoon nap.

Then it is asked that you Sheriff, and any men in your command sign the following document. It will be co-signed by concerned Agents of the Spellguard and citizenry.

I present the draft to yourself, your men, and my fellow Agents first that we might sign and show solidarity before it is presented to the citizens and Council in full.


Mayor, Councilmembers, Fellow Citizens;

The actions of Councilor Reynolt on the 4th of Nightal in the trial of Patrick Keagen require review, and ultimately rejection by this city. Councilor Reynolt has presented a dangerous precedent and undermined the safety of Sanctuary.

In his decision, Councilor Reynolt constructed the Aegis of Reynolt. An interpretation of our law that now forbids Agents of the Spellguard or the Watch to enter Lower Sanctuary without an escort of Tigereye mercenaries while in uniform. The only manner in which Lower Sanctuary can be entered without an escort is while not in uniform.

This decision has handicapped our safety and ability to protect this city. The Tigereye mercenaries were hired to patrol Lower Sanctuary and keep the peace. Since the founding of this city by Mayor Bresley over 150 years ago, the Watch has kept the law. When Melinda Bresley instituted the Spellguard, it was put in authority over all matters of magic use. Councilor Reynolt has over turned 150 years of precedent and made the Tigereyes the sole force for overseeing law in the city.

Furthermore, since issuing the Aegis of Reynolt at least two wanted criminals are being allowed to walk the streets of Lower Sanctuary openly. The Tigereye refuse to arrest and hand these people over to the city's proper legal authority. We should not have to remind anyone that the Spellguard and the Watch both swear to uphold the safety of this city as our foremost concern. The Tigereye mercenaries are a group of sell-swords, they only keep the peace because they are paid and are allowed a considerable amount of freedom in how they handle their responsibilites.

However, a clear hierarchy must be established. When the Tigereye's autonomous behavior allows criminals to go free, they must answer to the warrants issued by the Watch and the Spellguard without question. If the Tigereye employs wizards, it must answer to the Spellguard. Their wizards have engaged in illegal use of magic outside the warded areas of the city, drawing the attention of drow patrols that now threaten our city with war.

We must return to the image of our defense that our Founders held dear. The Watch must be given full authority to command the overturn of criminals, the authority to pursue criminals into Lower--regardless of the employ of supplemental peace keepers in the form of a mercenary band. Finally, the true aegis of the Spellguard must be remembered. Melinda Bresley, the mother of Sanctuary, instituted the order to protect Sanctuary from external and internal threats of arcane nature. The Spellguard's ability to counter such threats with any means must be returned. As our city must now prepare for war with the drow, because they were drawn to our city on the 4th of Nightal, this is doubly important. To respond to a threat of this nature, the heirarchy must be clear on who is in charge of our defenses. The Spellguard alone can counter the magical threats of the drow, the Watch after them must be in charge of the mundane defense of our gates and streets, the Tigereyes must know their place in our democratic government is to obey the orders of those the city placed its trust in from its very founding.

We jointly, the undersigned members of the Watch, the Spellguard, and the citizenry of Sanctuary demand this course of action in the name of the Bresley's who founded Sanctuary!


Agent Trepidity Hectra

The measures enacted by Councilmember Reynolt come as a godsend for wrongdoers and set a dangerous precedent.

You have my full support Agent.

Sergeant Greyward

Agent Alexander Archibald

Private Victor Grigorio

*signed* Agent Benito Anselmo Delgado

Ivan already knows where I stand with his rules and he knows where he can put them too. I want some of those Tigerarses brought down for what they're worth, they're as bent as a meat hook and bieng able to do bugger all about it ain't helping. Private Marshall

Private Kayragh

[A missive is sent to each Watchman after Ivan learns the news]

Members of the Watch,

What Agent Hectra fails to point out is that this entire "Aegis of Reynolt" came about as a result of a ruling in a trial where I had made a -request- that Agents or Watchmen only enter Lower in plain-clothes or with advance notice sent to a Tigereye.

There is no -request- against pursuing a criminal into Lower if that is where you are led, for apprehending a criminal is surely of more importance when they are right before you.

The entire reason I made this -request- is for a simple reason. Those of Lower have distaste for the Watch and Spellguard. This distaste grows when Spellguard Agents and Watchmen enter Lower Sanctuary and begin to order them around as if they live in Upper Sanctuary. As a result, they form a mob and they riot. Something which has happened countless times.

I do not argue that the Spellguard and Watch have a -right- to be in Lower and in uniform if they wish, but the locals will -not- care for it, and they could very well respond spitefully. This is not about the Tigereyes, it is about the Citizenry. My request was to consider their wishes and not enter their domain if it irked them so. The Citizens have no problems with a Watchman entering in plain clothes, and I am sure they would have little problem if a Tigereye were nearby, escorting them if they opted for a Uniform. At least, through this measure, it shows an effort to spare the citizens some consideration. They will eventually see this, and hopefully they will appreciate the gesture.

The alternative is continuing as we do. I hardly think things are fine the way they are, with Watchmen and Agents barging into lower, often with little regard for the citizens or Tigereyes.

I am agreed that an obvious ranking structure should be placed so that the law can be decided on far more quickly and efficiently, unfortunately, with our Traensyr troubles, I've little time to put towards this. Hopefully this will change within the week.

It should also be considered that Agent Hectra recently employed a band of Mercenaries, the Golden Doubloons, to apprehend a suspected criminal, which ultimately incited a riot and ended with this suspected criminal's death. I find it odd Hectra would voice her distaste for placing the Law in a mercenary's hands, yet so willingly go out of her way to hire them before she even asked the Tigereyes to apprehend this criminal.

I write this missive to explain my decisions so that the honorable men and women I serve, and who serve it's citizens are not so easily swayed by the words of an Agent who would only spare as much information that would benefit her proposal, without caring divulge the reasons behind my own request

Please consider my words, I am all too willing to speak personally if it is wished.


Ivandur Reynolt

[A quick note send afterwords]

If it wasn't made clear above, No Councilor holds the ability to make such decrees or laws as that the Spellguard have implied. My ruling was naught but a request, suggestion and advice in future dealings in Lower. My apologies if it has seemed as if it was a law, but it is not, no one is bound from going against my request. I do find it in poor taste, however, that the Spellguard have been attempting to make it out to be a law (Going as far to attach a catchy-name, Aegis of Reynolt) when one might suspect them of knowing enough of Sanctuary law that a Councilor cannot do such a thing alone.

*Private Grigorio scribbles out his signature.*

Agent Aaron Wrinkle

[Private Kayragh's name has been neatly overlined from the list]