Metropakt IS BIG BOSS
First time I tried playing a goblin on EFU, and I gotta say I LOL'ed all through out. I recommend everyone gives the goblins a shot!
Some screens featuring a roll of 20 on a craft trap check when setting up the bomb!
Here's me confused about the pvp rules in Lower: (re-click when at imageshack for bigger picture)
And here's Poonat reworking Incendiary Catapult ammo into a bomb:
Sorry to the owners of the the Wench's Clench! We were actually looking for a steady 9 to 5 type gig there. With, you know, benefits, retirement plan, company picknick, dental, insurance etc. Then we had to go all disgruntled-employee on you. :( But you guys got the last laugh so it's all good. ^____^