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Big Boss Bkogax, Ziggy, and Poonat!

Metropakt IS BIG BOSS

First time I tried playing a goblin on EFU, and I gotta say I LOL'ed all through out. I recommend everyone gives the goblins a shot!

Some screens featuring a roll of 20 on a craft trap check when setting up the bomb!

Here's me confused about the pvp rules in Lower: (re-click when at imageshack for bigger picture)


And here's Poonat reworking Incendiary Catapult ammo into a bomb:


Sorry to the owners of the the Wench's Clench! We were actually looking for a steady 9 to 5 type gig there. With, you know, benefits, retirement plan, company picknick, dental, insurance etc. Then we had to go all disgruntled-employee on you. :( But you guys got the last laugh so it's all good. ^____^

Goblins always ensure hilariousness especially in large groups when they don't listen to reason and just run around doing whatever they want.

It was great interacting with them.

A shame i'll never get to be court wizard

as short lived as they are, goblins tend tobe lots of fun.

my first died in 20 minutes.

poonat faired abit better, least he got to blow up the clench and become first knight super spymaster!!!

and that roll was the biggest fluke, chances were i'd blow us all apart >_>

Boom zig boom zig boom zig boom zig take off every zig.