In the interests of making a better server, the DM team has changed the standard bioware implementation of a number of prestige classes in order to make them more appropriate for EfU. The following mechanical changes have been made:
Arcane Archer: Now have the "Elf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration
Assassin: No changes made
Blackguard: Level 1: Detect good
Champion of Torm: No changes made
Dwarven Defender: Now have the "Dwarf domain" special power, minimum 3 round duration
Harper Scout: This pretige quest will eventually be completely modified and re-worked as "Prime Underdark Guide." Stay tuned for the exact changes that will be implemented.
Palemaster Level 1: Arcane Defense: Necromancy (+2 saves vs. necromancy spells) Level 2: +1 STR Level 3: +2 con flat bonus, 50% negative energy damage immunity, 50% positive energy vulnerability Level 4: STR bonus changed to +2, for the Summon Undead the palemaster can pick one of three undead types: an incorporeal spirit, a mummy, or a stitched horror (all three monster-types are custom for EfU). Level 5: Immunity negative energy 75%, Immunity Level Drain, +4 saves vs. death, 75% positive energy vulnerability Level 6: Con bonus changed to +4Palemasters may also be able to find special undead grafts to give them additional abilities.
Dragon Disciple: No changes made
Shadowdancer: No changes made
Shifter: Shifters in EfU have a totally custom shift system, that lets them (theoretically) shift into virtually any monster found in the game-world
Weapon Master: Level 1: 10% Speed Increase, Improved Initiative feat Level 2: +4 concentration, discipline bonus, bonus feat: cleave Level 3: +1 fort/will, Evasion Level 4: Feat: Blinding Speed
Discuss these changes here!