2007-11-03 02:24:52 UTC
I think I really might regret suggesting this one, but here goes.
I love/hate it when a spider drops from the ceiling right onto you like on a certain quest. Its rough, but pretty exciting at the same time.
I suggest having this happen occasionally out in the Underdark.
(It may happen in one place already, but then I suggest more locations.) It would make exploring even a little more dangerous just like stealthed monsters and certain shrooms already do.
Maybe there could be a slightly suggestive marker in places where it would happen so that experienced people would still have some clue to avoid that area. For example, spider webs on the wall nearby, or perhaps something more subtle like a pile of bones on the ground.
Winston Martin
2007-11-03 02:36:28 UTC
Good suggestion! Those things are scary!
2007-11-03 02:43:48 UTC
Hook Horror drops also, please.
2007-11-03 03:04:22 UTC
Well, the spiders would have to be like -really- high up since the underdark's cieling is probably a good thousand feet high.
2007-11-03 03:18:13 UTC
Rock drops.
In the middle of sanctuary, standing outside town hall.
Rocks fall on his head.
The Beggar
2007-11-03 03:28:12 UTC
Well, the spiders would have to be like -really- high up since the underdark's cieling is probably a good thousand feet high.
Nope, the Underdark is made up of interlocking caves. While some may have high ceilings, most of the underdark is a pretty cramped place (and by that I mean the ceilings really aren't all that high)
2007-11-03 03:32:36 UTC
I just assumed the ceiling was high, since the only place where it specifically says the ceiling is really low is the dark canal.
2007-11-03 04:55:05 UTC
Clearly Mr.Cheez-it's work has been in vain :(
2007-11-05 10:02:02 UTC
I would definately go for this, and the Hook Horror drops. That would be sickening, and make them a tad more challenging, when they drop down behind you. Like in Icewind Dale 2, on your entrance to the Underdark.
2007-11-05 11:18:31 UTC
This is a good suggestion all around.
2007-11-05 18:27:24 UTC
Kotenku Mr.Cheez-it's work has been in vain :(
I've read and re-read that whole forum <3 it inspired me to make paint drawings.
2007-11-05 22:33:34 UTC
Hook Horror drops also, please.
Hook Horrers weight about a ton, if they could cling to the ceiling it would break off with them.
2007-11-05 22:38:01 UTC
Lmao, get a quick quake when they fall. I'd certainly crap myself.
Also, this may open up a new way to assault the town.
Winston Martin
2007-11-05 22:57:30 UTC
Umberhulks crashing through walls looking for foodz. With rumble FX and appropriate terrifying flavor text plz.
2007-11-10 02:45:14 UTC
I still like the idea of the spiders best of all.
Then possibly climbing hook horrors and burrowing umberhulks.
I think its a good way to make the Underdark a little more dangerous and unexpected, but in a way that should still be survivable if you proceed cautiously.
What do the DMs think about this, any possibility if there are some scripters around?
2007-11-10 04:15:36 UTC
I like this idea, but try this one out. I would like to see random traps around the dark, im not sure ifyou can make them random but you cant have them reset after trigger. Maybe even a pit style trap( like the quest inthe sewers that you cant finish) where you "slide uncontrollably" and find yourself "somwhere else". most mobs you meet in the dark use traps on some lvl in there lair. just a thought.