This is an open invitation to join Mycopolis, and more specifically, to join the circle of druids that has sprung up here.
There may be some miss conception about what Mycopolis is, however. I say this because the only classes that tend to migrate this way are Druids, Barbarians, and Rangers. These are obvious choices because they each have an intrinsic connection with nature, but that doesn't mean that no one else can fit in here. Mycopolis can easily accommodate any class.
Tree Hugging Hippies: No. Just No. There is a basic premise that needs to be understood if you're going to join Mycopolis.
All societies need the same basic things to thrive. First and foremost is the need for agriculture. Once a good base of agriculture has been built, other things like technology spring up of their own accord. After a while this leads to the information era which we currently enjoy in modern civilization. But both industry and the information wave are dependant upon food!
This is where Mycopolis fits in. It is an effort to go back to the roots and form a solid basis for a sustainable life.
The Machine: It is common knowledge that Mycopolis holds no love of the machine. This can further be detailed in game, however I feel it fair to say that the machine is the equivalent of the Exxon Valdeese spill in Alaska. It is only harming efforts to return to agriculture. This also sets up the basis for neccessary conflict to keep things interesting!
Fighter/Rogue: Fighters and rogues are great at fitting in to any concept. In fact, I'd have to say that Fighters and Rogues have the most opportunities for character concepts open to them. Sometimes it just takes a different spin on their abilities. The truth is, these two classes are extremely well educated in what they do. It takes a fighter years of disciplined work to know how to use any weapon and armor well. These are not simple brutes. Rogues have the most skill points of any class in this game and can do a number of truly amazing feats without the aid of magic. These skills also come at the cost of years of dedicated work in their craft.
In real life, there is a startling trend of highly educated workers uprooting their families and migrating to other countries. One place this is happening is US families crossing into Canada to find a better life. These people are doing this because they are fed up with the society they work in. They are people who are well educated and have spent years honing their skills in whatever fields they work in. These are not your average simpletons.
Just so, a Fighter or Rogue might also become fed up with the downward spiral that Sanctuary Society (both Upper, and Lower) seems to be locked into these days. Where else can they turn but Mycopolis?
Wizard: Wizards are another class that fit well into the "Well educated and tired of this mess you people have made of society so I'm leaving" group. However, they might also just view the Spellguard as horribly corrupt and wish to find an ally in fighting them. Welcome to Mycopolis.
Sorcerers: One of the beautiful things about the sorcerer is that they can be roleplayed as so many things, yet many people seem to miss this. They are an arcane caster with no ties to any deity and who have not received any formal training in their trade. They could just as easily come from a back water farm as from the aristocracy of a rich mercantile city. They are also the perfect class for the Shaman Archetype. These are medicine people who often hold a position of power within their own people. This power is maintained by the fact that they have an inborn talent for magic. Shamanistic cultures typically also have a strong tie to nature, and real world shaman can easily be likened to the druids of DnD.
Clerics: Naturally, any cleric of a nature deity is going to find Mycopolis to be a suitable place to live. Even evil nature deities. Why? Because even the evil ones understand the need of food for people to survive. You can't have people worshipping you if they've all starved to death.
Mycopolis (and Lower by extension) is a prime place to begin preaching to the masses. In lower, you have a host of people who are starving and without hope. They live in third world conditions with the constant fear of death hanging over them. These people need hope. They need a god. And not some silly cult of the red skull or cult of the ascension. These things do not provide the hope that a deity can bring. They provide false hope. Something that the hopeless are glad to buy into in the absence of the real hope provided by an actual deity. Mycopolis differs slightly because they are fed and have jobs to give their lives meaning. Still, a cleric of a nature deity would do well promoting their religion there.
Paladin: This is one class I have a hard time fitting in to the setting. At least through what I can say OOC. If you're interested in associating a paladin with Mycopolis, please contact me through PMs.
Monks: Monks are, for the most part, a perfect fit. Monks are a class built around simplicity. They eschew all but the most necessary of tools in order to live a simple, yet ordered life. Many real world monastaries had vast gardens in which they worked to grow the food that they ate. They kept records and promoted their god quietly. In many Eastern traditions, whereupon the DnD monk was based, their strict martial discipline may not have even been intended for true combat. Tai Chi is an excellent example, where in those who practiced it did so for the benefit of total mind and body unity. Despite their Lawful requirement in DnD, monks are truly keepers of a balance. Theirs is a balance of the self, however, rather than a balance of nature. They seek utter control over their own bodies (hence the lawful portion) through a disciplined balance of mental and physical routine. Whole point is, the monk can easily be a peace loving defender of nature (or at least their garden). I believe I read somewhere of Chauntean monks who use tomatoes as Shuriken and Carrots as Kamas in order to drive unwanted people from their lush gardens.
Bards: Well, bards are everywhere. They seek tales to be told and knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Mycopolis can be a great place for this when you think of the great conflict that could be made between Mycopolis and certain other factions. Needless to say, Bards would be a wonderful addition.
Barbarians/Druids/Rangers: All are natural choices. Druids are tough to play though. You really ought to chat up a DM if you're looking to make one, to make sure you understand what they are all about. I have to say this though: Barbarians, while being uneducated, are not stupid. They will likely have a very tradition oriented view on the world, but this does not make them mindless brutes. Think Native American, if you want. They were incredibly intelligent, they simpily lived off of what they had and tried not to take more than they needed. They were a society built around maintaining the Balance that DnD druids speak of so often. Theirs was a society of almost exact matches to the DnD concepts of Barbarian, Druid, and Ranger. Medicine men and elders being the druids. Rangers being represented by many of their warriors, depending on region. And Barbarians representing the warriors of other tribes, again depending on region. Not all indians used Bow and Arrow to fight with. This is, in fact a very foreign tool to most coastal tribes and especially the Inuits of the north who fought primarily with spears.
Druid Circle: Obviously, to join the circle, you must be a druid! But, that's not to say you can't be associated with the circle if you are any other class. For instance, a ranger might choose to guard the circle, or any other class really. Just don't expect to be let in on the inner secrets of the Circle. You'll likely be told to do things with no explanation. If a character is truly dedicated to the circle, he'll do so without question because he knows and understands the need for secrecy within the circle.
So yeah! That's about all I really have to say. If you're interested in joining us and want help with a concept, please just PM me, I'm more than happy to help.