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Letter left at the Sanctuary Library for the librarians

*written in Kyle's usual untidy hand*

Dear Librarians,

I have come into the possesion of a journal that belonged to a friend of mine who i feared dead a bardess called Sandra Marie according to her last wishes i was wondering if a copy of her diary and songs could be added to the list of books in the library i have enclosed a copy of the letter she sent me.

Is this suitable for submission? Any correspondance can be left for me at the Last Stand Inn.

Yours faithfully,

Kyle Fox.

*a copy of a private letter sent by Sandra Marie to Kyle is enclosed*

PrettyHateMachine I will leave this book every day in the chest in the Crone where it will be safe under lock and key. These are my songs, my stories, my history...I do not want them to be forgotten. Should you happen upon this little book come my demise, I beg of you one thing. Let my songs...my stories...my history be published, so that my creative works might live forever. I do not want my voice to be forgotten, and if it is then please let my words carry on.

*a further copy of this letter is sent to the library*

A letter is left at the Last Stand.

Dear Kyle,

Any written work may be submitted to the Library and will be added to the Library Catalogue. If the Sanctuary Library can place three barely legible pieces of sewer-soggy parchment, written on by a goblin to our collection, then the songs of a bardess will fit in quite well.

Simply provide us with a copy of the Journal you have found. I will ensure that it is added to the ever-growing Card Catalogue and placed on the shelves here for the enjoyment of all.

Mystra's blessings,

- Kepler Szul Sanctuary Library Staff Assistant to the Library Curator.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {ooc: PM me if you want to discuss submission details, or simply post it on the Library Forum}