The Watch now sends assasins down to kill free men in the streets. Not to go to trial, not for justice, but because they can. Penrose came down here and slaughterd Councilor Aldrec like a dog, even as he begged for mercy! Rather then see a trial, where the truth can come out, he was slain, and his corpse defiled in true Upper fashion. How many councilors is that the Watch has removed? 4? 5? If you disagree with Azzam, he sends one of his lackeys down to kill you. That is upper justice, just like that poor beggar the New Dunwarren gits slaughtered for seeing them sneak about. Who's next? They simply kill as they see fit, no justice for the wretch in lower. We are nothing more then meat for their table, fodder for there wars. It was Lower that saved them from the Ants, and Lower that keeps the monsters from rushing up their precious much more blood will they take to satiate their appetite for Justice, how many more assasins cloaked in the Watches brave mantle? Beware my fellow Lowersmen, soon Azzam and his lackeys will swoop down and slaughter you in the streets like great the great desert dung beetle he and his thinks you to be. ..when good men stand by and do nothing, evil triumphs, and feasts. You were warned..