Home > Lower Sanctuary

Come to the Gambling Hall!

Bold flyers lined with extravagent dyes of red, and smears of brown can be found about Lower, stuck to the side of buildings such as the Crone, and the Beacon. Urchin boys are payed a couple of gold coins each to cry out the jist of the poster in the streets for the illiterate

COME TO THE GAMBLING HALL A night of feasting, drink and song! All of Lower is invited to the Dirty Nancies' Gambling Hall where you will be treated to free food, drink, song and entertainment, a much needed relief from the scars that Upper Sanctuary and the greedy, cruel Ledskirs have given us, a tribute to the heroes of Lower that have given their lives for this place such as Ubel, Nancy, Leslie, Crocodile, and countless others. Beggars, urchins, working women, merchants, crafters, weavers, brewers, workmen, all are welcome provided they do not serve the corrupted tyrants above and have never shackled a man in chains.

There will also be a splendid tournament, where you can compete for glory, gold and stranger thing still! Entrance is two hundred gold pieces per competitor, with the first one to drop to the count of ten loosing. There will be another reward for the competitor that puts on the best show, bravery, cunning, and fighting style being highly valued. Obvious rules apply, two potions for the entire event, no killing, and no beating down on anyone once they've dropped.

Yet you needn't join in the games to enjoy yourself! Take bets with your fellows and take comfort in this one night of joy!

If you are one of the following, leave a note for Raven at the Hall for possible employment!

  • Cook
  • Singer
  • Dancer
  • Bouncer
Also, remember, the Nancies look for brave men and women to help keep the streets safe, and Upper out! There will always be food, a place to sleep and ale for a brother or sister in red and brown. If you've had enough of the squalor Upper has given us, drop by the Gambling Hall to join!

~Raven //// GMT/UT: 9 PM, Saturday/////



//Delayed one extra hour!

UMT 10 pm//

//Starting soon!//