*posted prominently in Upper and New Dunwarren, as well as a few spots around Lower and Mycopolis* The School of War is currently recruiting experts in various styles of combat, as well as any warriors of skill and honor.
I also invite all local clergy of Tempus and the Red Knight to live with us in the School.
Specifically I seek experts in the following fields:
-Archery/Ranged combat
-Unarmed combat
-Using magic on the field of battle
-Any unusual or exotic fighting style //Called Shot, Disarm, Sneak Attack, etc.//
All interested parties should talk to a School of War staff member, and will have to be approved by myself. Gaining admittance will consist of an interview, a sparring match in the arena (except for clergy), and a field test (again, except for clergy). This does not mean I must meet with you to necessarily join right away. A good report from a staff member is usually good enough for me.
The School of War is constantly trying to expand it's practical knowledge of combat in order to better serve and teach the citizens of Sanctuary.
-Frank Dederich, Headmaster of the School of War