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Varlam Nikitovich, Council Hall


I would like you to justify your exceptionally harsh sentence of Harold Hatnine, despite the pleas for leniency from most of the Watchmen present.

Awaiting your reply, ~ Ordinant Eva Kelm

Personally delivered to the New Dunwarren chapterhouse...

Ordinant Kelm,

Not the Watch nor the Council has the power to excuse a man from the law and conveniently kill men that are bound, unconcious, and being brought for trial, simply because they are too weak to see justice done in the prescribed ways.

Harold Hatnine refused to acknowledge what he did was illegal.

As the trial record indicates, I did not question whether or not the suspected cultists deserved death. In all likelihood they did, but by the stones of the citizens.

Only Lieutenant Sunellar and the former private Rubyglow asked leniency, though the elven privates probably also wished it. While it was Rubyglow or Sparklegem's order (or both, as they can't seem to agree) they did not carry out the act. Perhaps they will begin to value the lives of those they lead on crusades more than the selfish self-fulfilment of their cause.

The law is not a tool of convenience. Harold faced his death proudly while those around him tried only to prolong his fading life.

Varlam Nikitovich 14 Flamerule 152

Councillor Nikitovich,

Thank you for your swift reply and reasonable explanation.

I was grief-stricken and frustrated when I wrote my recent missive, and for this I apologise. I can understand how a man that has struck down two helpless others can be deserving of death himself. However, I truly believe that Harold was a good man at heart, and could have been saved.


~ Ordinant Eva Kelm