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Mac os Leopard.

Right now I am sitting in line with my laptop [a maxed out Macbook pro], waiting for Mac Os Leopard. God it looks like amasing. Why wont this line move faster?.... Im mainly posting to alleviate my boredom.

Ill post something more interesting once I finish the line i guess. Im going to go insane but it'll be worth it.

This thread is now a flame war of Macs Vs PCs.


My MacBook Pro (2.6)> My PC > Your PC

Oh, and I'm getting leopard soon.

Yay! Installation complete. Leopard ownz. Long line was worth it. I have one desktop running full screen NWN, another with Irc, another with forum :D Oh, cluck, all windows suck, their users will rot for eternity in the depths of the earth.

Windows is better

Macs are for f-, for elves.

Less computers. More cats.

My PC is a god among computers.

I can has computuar?

Macs are for people that don't know computers. PCs are for people that -like- complicated lines of text and code, and non-colourful folders ;) I'm a PC person.

I wish I had colourful folders. You know how much easier it would make organizing the stuff on my drive would be?

Being more complicated is not necessarily better.

For example, I have 10 different application windows open. I want to organize them along my task bar according to what I'm currently working on. I can't do that in Windows.


Less computers. More cats.

This notion has my official seconding.