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The Corruption of Azzam

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I am Nestar the Tale Teller, and I wish to make my opinion known.

What right does the Sheriff have to dismiss a councilor whom the people voted for? If I remember correctly, THE SHERIFF WAS NEVER ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE!

Who is the Sheriff to Veto laws that are agreed upon by the councilors? He is charged with enforcing civil order, not to play god with the Council.

Sheriff Azzam is a Brilliant person to be sure, but he is to over-zealous in his duties, the Sheriff wields to much power, the government is the Council, not the Watch. The Watch should hold NO authority in the government.

Yes, the Watch keeps us safe, but at times, they can be Tyrants. Who are they, mere mortals, to tell the people we elected what they can, cannot do?

The Council should be the ruling body of Sanctuary, not puppets to be danced on the strings of the Watch.

Thanks for reading. *A halfling Foot Print is seen* Nestar the Tale Teller.

The Sheriff has always strived to be as fair and just as possible, even in the darkest hours of our City's history. When others looked to depart, secede, and draw away from our central infrastructre, he was there to hold us together. Anyone that has concerns about the Watch, and this city, is welcome to speak with me at any time.

-- Pvt. Tubbs.