I was wondering if there is any way to add a token that would have a special use change the name above the head to -Hidden-, or something? It would really help for those times your in completely different clothing, a different weapon, and a helm, and yet somehow people still reconise you. Either way, it would help.
Hiding Name
Theres no way to change a PC's name.
(There could be some very convoluted one, involving haks or something. But using just the standard NWN stuff, you can't do it.)
Contrary to what DC said, it is possible to change the name above your head without haks and overrides, and as desired as this is, it is difficult and not perfect yet. It suffers from similar problems like the SetName function and applying some persistent effects where the client has the potential of not recognizing them until the object is forcefully reloaded. This is ok for SetName, because when we use it we can just limbo the creature or reload into the area, but for something like disguising a name, you want it to work ONE HUNDRED PERCENT or the disguise is basically broken due to an OOC hassle.
I tried for so long to change PC names and couldn't find a way to do it. =(
It would rock if this was possible to get done correctly without problems.
I'm not sure what this would accomplish, unless you can block out the descriptions of a player as well. If someone is going to lame it up and metagame the name above your head, what will stop them from metagaming your character sheet description, or the log-in screen. I guess I don't see the benefits of all the time that would get put into this for such little in return.
wcsherry I'm not sure what this would accomplish, unless you can block out the descriptions of a player as well. If someone is going to lame it up and metagame the name above your head, what will stop them from metagaming your character sheet description, or the log-in screen. I guess I don't see the benefits of all the time that would get put into this for such little in return.
If they are looking for you with intent to metagame, then yup, your about to get Metapwned. But, for example, about 3 weeks ago we passed Yahhny-big reward, and half my group started using Party chat to plan how to attack him and the other half had to remind them. If they hadnt seen his name when they pressed tab but instead saw "-hidden-" it would act as a OOC slap on the forwhead to say "Stop Metagaming!!!'. But yup, if it would be alot of work, the time might be better used on other pursuits. just a sudjuestion.
wcsherry I'm not sure what this would accomplish, unless you can block out the descriptions of a player as well. If someone is going to lame it up and metagame the name above your head, what will stop them from metagaming your character sheet description, or the log-in screen. I guess I don't see the benefits of all the time that would get put into this for such little in return.
The system for modifying names is also the same one for modifying descriptions, but it suffers from the same downsides. It is possible for a client not to 'get' the overridden description, making the original unchanged one show up, when for everyone else, it appears changed, for no discernible reason.
It's a different system, but it's possible to disable the feature of clicking on a player's portrait in the text box to see the account name, however, I don't think it is toggle-able yet, meaning it would be disabled for EVERYONE. I think a lot of people like that feature, myself included.
Some people, for completely OOC reasons, fail to notice when a character is in disguise. This has happened to me, and even though it was an "oops!", it was still a bit of a pain in the butt.
On a server I used to play on, nobody had names. Everyone just wrote a short description like "Brown-eyed elf" for the "name" above the PC and could call themselves whatever they wished. Granted there was a much smaller player base in that server. But as far as giving a PC a different name the only solutions I know of are very messy and often involve giving out OOC powers that can be horribly broken if used incorrectly.
We do that at Armageddon (a text-based game), but Armageddon is hardcore, really hardcore. Also, sometimes it makes PCs confuse NPCs with other PCs, especially since the NPCs were scripted well and you ended up trying to RP with the bartender in the 'Nak for half an hour, not realising that while "the sand-eyed, demon-tattooed elf" was a PC "the broad-shouldered, greasy-haired man" was not.