2007-10-20 17:08:58 UTC
I'd like to speak with you soon about curtailing the threat of gang activity to Upper's interests. Councils of old made goblins, duergar, and other assorted filth 'guests' and adjusted all of their crimes to be more severe. I believe it would be in our best interest to do so with known members of Lower's criminal element.
We cannot afford to have thuggish saboteurs on the loose, especially in a time of war. I will be available for discussion or debate when you have a free moment.
Pvt. Marcato
2007-10-22 01:09:22 UTC
Will you please forward me copies of all Monstrous Creature bills in recent history?
Pvt. Marcato
2007-10-22 01:46:07 UTC
Private Marcato,
I am always open to meeting with someone from the Watch. Simply stop by my office anytime. We have proposed the following, which has been approved and passed by the Council, but is pending the Sheriff's approval:
Enemies of Sanctuary Act
The following races are enemies to the city: Goblins, Kobolds, and Drow. They may be slain on sight or captured and turned over to Watch custody.
Malevolent Foes of Sanctuary Declaration
The following beings must be slain in as prudent, yet swift, a manner as possible: Mind Flayers, their non-humanoid experiments, and Beholders. Their sighting and subsequent death must be reported to the Watch.
Conspiring with Enemies of Sanctuary (Those declared by the Council or the Watch) Capital Crime
It is the council's intention that conspiracy shall be planning criminal acts with, harboring, or otherwise rendering aid to, an enemy of Sanctuary.
I am also contemplating proposing a response against Lower for the death of Councilor Haldor. However, I am waiting for a possible reunification with the Spellguard before I push for such a measure. When I campaigned I promised not to support an invasion of Lower Sanctuary unless they became a threat. Their assault on New Dunwarren, the slaughter of a fellow Councilor, and because New Dunwarren is once again a part of Sanctuary -- this makes them a threat. I am at the very least, open to punishment against them.
Councilor Hoaradin Delorin