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Letter to Agent Blake

Agent Blake,

I have submitted the following proposal to the Sanctuary Council for debate. This is the first draft of the reunification charter agreement. While it may not be completely satisfactory to the Spellguard, I believe the major things your organization seeks has been granted. Your organization may dislike the Sanctuary Council's oversight, but I can assure you that no reunification agreement will be achieved with out it.

However, despite the above I hope that you find it to your liking. There is still time for suggestions, and I am open to them - provided they are reasonable.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Spellguard Reunification Charter In an effort to have the Spellguard realign with the city, under the Council, this charter has been established. The charter is the agreement made between Sanctuary and the Spellguard, and it shall detail the power granted to the Spellguard including the limitations on that power.

- The Spellguard shall rejoin Sanctuary, agreeing to adhere fully and completely to the cities laws.

- The Spellguard shall make all internal files and communications open to the Council, so that the Council may better communicate their desires to the Spellguard.

- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to begin revoking the privileges granted to them within.

- Any Councilor who leaks integral Spellguard files or communications to non-governmental officials shall be charged with capital crimes.

- The Spellguard shall receive no funding by the city of Sanctuary, but may request funding for specific projects. This funding shall come from the Council's Discretionary Fund.

- The Spellguard shall be granted the ability to arrest individuals who break the laws of Sanctuary, and these individuals will be held at the Watch House. A Spellguard Agent may act as a prosecutor in a criminal trial.

- The Spellguard is an independent organization from the Watch and shall hold no authority over them. It shall have its own chain of command, which also shall have no relation to the chain of command of the Watch. Both the Watch and the Spellguard, while being independent organizations, will work in tandem in matters of defense. If there is an issue of contention between the two organizations it will be brought before a Councilor.

- The Spellguard shall enchant and empower the utilities of Sanctuary, including equipment utilized by other organizations free of charge.

- The Spellguard shall be granted complete rights over the Machine, which shall be overseen by the Council. The Spellguard shall use the Machine for the benefit of Sanctuary, not only to improve the general quality of life for the city but also for its defense as well.

- Any individual causing harm or damage to the Machine shall be charged with a capital crime.

- Any individual who inhibits the ability of the Spellguard to study and operate the machine shall be charged with a capital crime.

- The Spellguard shall provide each Councilor of Sanctuary with personal animatronic defenses to ensure their safety.

- Any citizen of Sanctuary who is under the age of 15 shall submit themselves to the Spellguard to test if they have the potential to master arcane magic. If the individual is found to be viable they will be offered, but not obligated, to study arcane magic at the Spellguard Tower.

- A Spellguard Agent will be given the right to issue warrants for the arrest of citizens, but these warrants may be overturned by a member of the Council.

- The Spellguard Tower shall be designated as the private property of the Spellguard, wherein they will obey the laws of Sanctuary. They have the right to forcefully eject individuals from their Tower as well as to seal it off to the public. However, a Councilor may, at any time, request to enter the Tower and tour any or all rooms.

- The Spellguard shall be empowered to enforce laws against illegal magic use. Using magic outside of a warded area shall result in the charge of a serious crime.

- The Spellguard shall enchant the Advanced Council Toga with its previous abilities, in addition to giving it the power to safely cast outside a warded magic area.

- The Spellguard shall be devoted to the protection and well being of the Citizens of Sanctuary, ensuring that their lives are in no way threatened or harmed through the use of the machine or their arcane abilities.

- The Spellguard shall place animatrons and agents within the Town Hall to ensure the safety of the Council and those who work within. They may be removed at any time by the majority vote of the Council.

- The Spellguard shall produce arcane potions and wands to sell to the general public. They will also produce other goods and services, either from the machine or from their arcane abilities to sell to the general public. Of the profit made 25% shall go to the Sanctuary Council and the rest may be kept by the Spellguard to cover upkeep costs.

[a reply is penned and delivered to Town Hall]


Your offer has been tabled and is under very serious consideration. We will be in further contact soon.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

I am happy to report to you that I have convinced Sheriff Azzam to consider reunification. However, he is withholding any judgments on a proposal until we have worked out the fine details. I encourage you to swiftly respond so that we may do such.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin


You will have our reply soon enough, something of this import cannot be rushed as you would understand.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

To the esteemed Council of Sanctuary,

Your proposed charter for unification of the Spellguard and Sanctuary has been received and deliberated on. We have some modifications to the charter we would put forward, and if these alterations can be made then the Spellguard will accept the charter and your offer.

The alterations or additions are listed below:

- A withdrawal of any outstanding warrants against serving agents is required. The existing warrant this specifially deals with was placed on the testimony of a current watch private who was enthralled at the time in question, and any such testimony is suspect at best.

- Funding from the city is essential. The share of the budget should be fair and reflect the services provided by the Spellguard. Reasons for this will be further listed below but in essence the animatron fleet and ongoing enchantments will rely on such funding.

- For crimes committed in or against the Machine, we wish the option to arrest the criminal to our own cells. This in no way impinges on the Council's jurisdiction and any such imprisoned criminals may be interrogated by members of the Watch or Council. They would also be expected to face trial as usual of course.

- Enchantments of all Watch and Council paraphernalia will commence and be maintained, though this will be dependent on Council funding as the cost of such enchantments is quite excessive.

- The archives of the Spellguard contain much more than files, tomes and other information relevant to the city. In our own interest and in the interest of public safety we will not release the contents of the archives. We will make available any and all information on reasonable request from a Councilor or the Mayor.

- Our agents are not merchants, and are far too busy to spend their time crafting and brewing to sell to the masses. This would be a criminal waste of their time. The Council would be far better served by hiring a dedicated mage to fit this role. Alternatively, we could hire a vendor ourselves.

- We can certainly investigate the feasability of providing personal defense animatrons to Councilors. We do however wish to remind you that animatrons require constant expensive time and maintenance while your robes, much less so. Funding would need to cater for this additional expense for it to become possible, but it is an option.

- The sealed areas of the Tower can be made available at any time on the written request of at least three Councilors.

- Lastly, we would like further clarification of your third point in the charter. Though we never see this as a possible eventuality, it must be clearly spelled out the terms and manner in which or how such privileges would be withdrawn or revoked.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

Your requests are reasonable I will respond swiftly with clarifications and adjustments.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Agent Blake,

I have made all of the requested modifications, and have made them bold in the revised charter. I hope I covered everything you requested. Please notify me when the Spellguard has accepted these modified terms, and I will put it to a vote in the Council.

I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the Spellguard. I am sure there will be great benefits for all involved.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Spellguard Reunification Charter In an effort to have the Spellguard realign with the city, under the Council, this charter has been established. The charter is the agreement made between Sanctuary and the Spellguard, and it shall detail the power granted to the Spellguard including the limitations on that power.

- The Spellguard shall rejoin Sanctuary, agreeing to adhere fully and completely to the cities laws.

- Any outstanding warrants against serving Spellguard Agents shall be dropped at the point of reunification. After this point, any criminal activities committed by a Spellguard Agent is punishable under the law, as judged by a Councilor of Sanctuary.

- The Spellguard shall be allowed to keep all internal files and communications secret. However, a Councilor reserves the right to make a reasonable request to view the files.

- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to use its power to revoke the funding of the Spellguard.

- The Spellguard shall have the ability to request funding for specific projects which, pending Council approval, shall be drawn from the Discretionary Fund.

- The Spellguard shall be granted the ability to arrest individuals who break the laws of Sanctuary, and these individuals will be held at the Watch House. A Spellguard Agent may act as a prosecutor in a criminal trial. Should an individual break a law regarding the Machine, the Spellguard may hold the individual prisoner at their Tower. However, this individual still must stand trial and be judged by a Councilor of Sanctuary.

- The Spellguard is an independent organization from the Watch and shall hold no authority over them. It shall have its own chain of command, which also shall have no relation to the chain of command of the Watch. Both the Watch and the Spellguard, while being independent organizations, will work in tandem in matters of defense. If there is an issue of contention between the two organizations it will be brought before a Councilor.

- The Spellguard shall enchant and empower the utilities of Sanctuary, including equipment utilized by other organizations and the Council shall fund this effort.

- The Spellguard shall be granted complete rights over the Machine, which shall be overseen by the Council. The Spellguard shall use the Machine for the benefit of Sanctuary, not only to improve the general quality of life for the city but also for its defense as well.

- Any individual causing harm or damage to the Machine shall be charged with a capital crime.

- Any individual who inhibits the ability of the Spellguard to study and operate the machine shall be charged with a capital crime.

- The Spellguard shall provide each Councilor of Sanctuary with personal animatronic defenses to ensure their safety. Provided the Council can provide the funding.

- Any citizen of Sanctuary who is under the age of 15 shall submit themselves to the Spellguard to test if they have the potential to master arcane magic. If the individual is found to be viable they will be offered, but not obligated, to study arcane magic at the Spellguard Tower.

- A Spellguard Agent will be given the right to issue warrants for the arrest of citizens, but these warrants may be overturned by a member of the Council.

- The Spellguard Tower shall be designated as the private property of the Spellguard, wherein they will obey the laws of Sanctuary. They have the right to forcefully eject individuals from their Tower as well as to seal it off to the public. However, with the written request of three Councilor's they must make any and all rooms available for inspection.

- The Spellguard shall be empowered to enforce laws against illegal magic use. Using magic outside of a warded area shall result in the charge of a serious crime.

- The Spellguard shall enchant the Advanced Council Toga with its previous abilities, in addition to giving it the power to safely cast outside a warded magic area.

- The Spellguard shall be devoted to the protection and well being of the Citizens of Sanctuary, ensuring that their lives are in no way threatened or harmed through the use of the machine or their arcane abilities.

- The Spellguard shall place animatrons and agents within the Town Hall to ensure the safety of the Council and those who work within. They may be removed at any time by the majority vote of the Council.

Councilor Delorin,

The charter is almost complete. We need only finalise a few minor issues.

Funding must be guaranteed in one form or another. At the moment, the Magocracy taxes the residents in the Machine Zone, and we expect this to cease if we are to operate again with the boundary of Sanctuary (these taxes would of course go to the governing Council). And for now I imagine your current budget is already established.

Until this established, we may continue to tithe the Zone to maintain our operating costs and wages. The enchantments and other services required of the Spellguard would be provided and could be paid for from an allocated existing fund.

This can all be subsumed appropriately at the next budget allocation. Again, we will need some assurance that funding will be guaranteed. To this end we request an additional clause in the charter that the Council will maintain an appropriate budget for the Spellguard to operate and perform it's proscribed functions.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

I'm actually two steps ahead of you. I just finished sending off a letter to the office of the treasurer before receiving yours. I am looking to redo our current budget so that the Spellguard may be factored in - I have no problems with ensuring the Spellguard keeps its current operational costs.

To that end, the following will be added to the charter:

- The Council of Sanctuary shall allocate an appropriate budget for the Spellguard to operate and perform it's proscribed functions.

It is my hope that the Sheriff will approve of re-allocating some of the Watch funds to the Spellguard, and I will push the Council to allocate some of its discretionary fund toward the Spellguard as well for this term.

I hope we've achieved a suitable agreement for both sides.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Councilor Delorin,

I have been asked for further clarification of the sensitive point concerning revocation. How would such a decision be reached by the Council? This should be formalised and placed in the charter, after which I believe we will be satisfied to sign and adhere to our agreement.

Oh, and a final addendum. Something more personal. I have noticed the vandalism done to the Spellguard agent statue at the Upper gates. Many brave agents have sacrificed their lives to protect Sanctuary, and they deserve recognition. I would like to see the statue restored.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

On the issue of the following within the charter:

- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to use its power to revoke the funding of the Spellguard.

It means exactly what it says. For example let us say the Council has given the Spellguard funding to enchant the equipment of Sanctuary as per the following:

- The Spellguard shall enchant and empower the utilities of Sanctuary, including equipment utilized by other organizations and the Council shall fund this effort.

Then the Spellguard decided to take that funding and then refuse to enchant our equipment. The Council could begin deliberations to revoke future funding until your end of the deal is kept.

Or let us say the Spellguard violated the following:

- The Spellguard shall rejoin Sanctuary, agreeing to adhere fully and completely to the cities laws.

In a situation, for example, where one of your agents is wanted for say - assassinating a Councilor - and the Spellguard decided to hold said agent safe within their Tower, to prevent the agent from being put on trial, the Council could begin deliberations to revoke Spellguard funding and deny future project funding requests.

I hope that is clear.

As for the statue, if funding can be found I will agree to restore it. As it stands my primary concern is finding funding for the Spellguard so that they may do their duties as per the charter.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Agent Blake,

As the Council now begins deliberations on this matter there are a few concerns that are not directly related to the charter. First, the Council wishes to know if the machine itself is safe for the city. We have heard reports of lightning striking people in Lower Sanctuary and around Dunwarren Ruins since the power cores have been constructed.

Knowing that the machine is safe, and what the Spellguard intends to do to ensure the safety of the citizens of Sanctuary is one of the primary concerns we are currently deliberating over.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Agent Blake,

Some minor revisions are being made as the Council begins its debate, mostly in the area of clarification. I will submit a more formalized copy of the newest version of the agreement soon.

However, I do not believe it will pass with the dropping of the Warrant for Agent Hector Best. Instead, what I suggest is that he turn himself into the Watch, and allow me to judge his case. He will not be exiled nor executed, but if found guilty will pay a fine of up to 500 gold coins. In addition he will submit a report to the Council (not subject to be reviewed by the Watch) detailing what took place between Phandiates, the assassination thralls and himself. In fact, I highly encourage him to submit this report immediately.

In so doing, he will be free to once again roam Sanctuary and avoid exile or death.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Councilor Delorin,

To address your points in order:

The Machine is dangerous. This is the primary reason for Spellguard oversight and control. We work tirelessly to learn more of it's design and operation to ensure it is no threat to Sanctuary and it's citizens.

The power cores about the Tower and Machine Zone are used to provide power for our own use. This includes animatron charging and maintenance. The discharges are part of that function and are quite safe if a minimum distance of 5 feet is kept from the core. Steps will be made to publicly notify citizens of this though one would have thought it obvious.

Other cores about and within the Dunwarren ruins may power other facilities within the Machine.

We claim no responsibility for the power cores and other chambers about Lower Sanctuary. It is likely that parts of the Machine are malfunctioning there, but with our access so restricted there is no way for us to safely determine or defuse these cores.

Regarding the legal status of Agent Best, we will take your offer into consideration and reply forthwith.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

I will inform the other members of the Council. Thank you for your swift reply. Simply have Agent Best send me a letter and I will speak to him personally.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

Councilor Delorin,

The modification to the charter regarding Agent Best's outstanding warrant is accepted:

- Agent Best will submit a full report of the events taking place involving Phantiades and his thralls. This report will be submitted to the Council with haste. As soon as the report is tabled he is free to move about Sanctuary without fear of arrest by the Watch.

- Agent Best submits to a trial overseen by yourself. An arrest will not be necessary. Also, a guarantee is issued as stated that Agent Best will not be exiled or executed if found guilty and would face a maximum fine of 500 gold coins.

Oh, and one final clarification regarding my earlier query about revocation. We were more interested in the actual mechanics of such a process rather than the circumstances of how they would come about. Specifically, how can the Council reassure the Spellguard that this power will not be abused?

With your acceptance of these final points and clarifications I hope we can produce a final draft of the charter.

*the Seal of the Spellguard*

((signed with a flourish)) Agent Blake Order of the Spellguard

Agent Blake,

Thank you for your response. As to the following item in the charter:

- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to use its power to revoke the funding of the Spellguard.

You may think of this more of a stern warning than anything else. The most dire thing the Council could do to the Spellguard would be to cut off its funding, something that - should they rejoin Sanctuary - we would oversee anyway. Should it come to a situation like this, and I firmly believe that it never will, a Councilor would put forward a motion to cut funding for a certain project or funding all together. As a result of this it would require the vote of a total of three Council members - the same as to pass the budget.

I seriously doubt, however, that this would ever come to pass. The only scenario that I could imagine this happening is if the Spellguard is blatantly hostile and in utter contempt and disregard of the Council, while at the same time obviously breaking the law. I do not believe we would ever see that day come to pass.

I am submitting to you the current version of the charter. We are still deliberating, and most of the changes are either favorable to the Spellguard or clarifications.

Councilor Hoaradin Delorin

In an effort to have the Spellguard realign with the city, under the Council, this charter has been established. The charter is the agreement made between Sanctuary and the Spellguard, and it shall detail the power granted to the Spellguard including the limitations on that power.

- The Spellguard shall rejoin Sanctuary, agreeing to adhere fully and completely to the cities laws.

- The Spellguard shall be allowed to keep all internal files and communications secret. However, a Councilor reserves the right to make a reasonable request to view the files.

- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to use its power to revoke the funding of the Spellguard.

- The Spellguard shall have the ability to request funding for specific projects which, pending Council approval, shall be drawn from the Discretionary Fund.

- The Spellguard shall be granted the ability to arrest individuals who break the laws of Sanctuary, and these individuals will be held at the Watch House. A Spellguard Agent may act as a prosecutor in a criminal trial.

- Should an individual break a law regarding the Machine, the Spellguard may hold the prisoner at their Tower. However, when dealing with illegal magic use the prisoner must be held within the Watch House.

- The Spellguard is an independent organization from the Watch and shall hold no authority over them. It shall have its own chain of command, which also shall have no relation to the chain of command of the Watch. Both the Watch and the Spellguard, while being independent organizations, will work in tandem in matters of defense. If there is an issue of contention between the two organizations it will be brought before a Councilor.

- If a prisoner is held within Watch cells the Watch shall hold greater authority over the prisoner. If a prisoner is held within Spellguard cells the Spellguard shall hold greater authority over the prisoner. If there is a dispute it will fall to a Councilor to settle it.

- The Spellguard shall enchant and empower the utilities of Sanctuary, including equipment utilized by other organizations and the Council shall fund this effort.

- The Council of Sanctuary shall allocate an appropriate budget for the Spellguard to operate and perform its prescribed functions.

- The Spellguard shall be granted rights over the technology of the Machine, which shall be overseen by the Council. All such technology will be used for the benefit of Sanctuary, to improve both the quality of life and the defense of its people.

- Any individual causing harm or damage to the technology of the Machine shall be charged with a capital crime. This shall appear in the law book as follows: "Causing harm or damage to the technology of the machine - Capital Crime"

- Any individual who inhibits the ability of the Spellguard to study and operate the technology of the machine shall be charged with a capital crime. This shall appear in the law book as follows: "Preventing the Spellguard in the study or operating the technology of the machine - Capital Crime"

- The Spellguard shall provide each Councilor of Sanctuary with personal animatronic defenses to ensure their safety, provided the Council can fund it.

- Any citizen of Sanctuary who is believed to be under the age of 15 shall voluntarily submit themselves to the Spellguard to test if they have the potential to master arcane magic. If the individual is found to be viable they will be offered, but not obligated, to study arcane magic at the Spellguard Tower.

- A Spellguard Agent will be given the right to issue warrants for the arrest of citizens, but these warrants may be overturned by a vote of two members from the Council.

- The Spellguard Tower shall be designated as the private property of the Spellguard, wherein they will obey the laws of Sanctuary. They have the right to forcefully eject individuals from their Tower as well as to seal it off to the public. However, with the written request of three Councilor's they must make any and all rooms available for inspection.

- The Spellguard shall be empowered to enforce laws against illegal magic use. Using magic outside of a warded area shall result in the charge of a serious crime. This shall appear in the law book as follows: "Illegal Magic Use (Casting outside of Spellguard wards and/or without Spellguard registration) - Serious Crime"

- The Spellguard shall enchant the Advanced Council Toga with its previous abilities, in addition to giving it the power to safely cast outside a warded magic area.

- The Spellguard shall be devoted to the protection and well being of the Citizens of Sanctuary, ensuring that their lives are in no way threatened or harmed through the use of the machine or their arcane abilities.

- The Spellguard shall place animatrons within the Town Hall to ensure the safety of the Council and those who work within. They may be removed at any time by the majority vote of the Council.

- A Councilor reserves the right to request Spellguard Agents to stand guard in the Town Hall should the Councilor feel it to be necessary, in times of emergency or crisis.

Agent Blake,

I realize by now you have heard the sad news. The Sheriff has once again proven that he is little more than a tyrant. However, I encourage you to end the reunification agreement. You can achieve much better and there are many loopholes that can be exploited against you.

Instead, I have another proposal that I think would be most interesting for you to hear. One that may get everything you want and more. I will speak to you in person.

Counc- Hoaradin Delorin
