Agent Blake,
I have submitted the following proposal to the Sanctuary Council for debate. This is the first draft of the reunification charter agreement. While it may not be completely satisfactory to the Spellguard, I believe the major things your organization seeks has been granted. Your organization may dislike the Sanctuary Council's oversight, but I can assure you that no reunification agreement will be achieved with out it.
However, despite the above I hope that you find it to your liking. There is still time for suggestions, and I am open to them - provided they are reasonable.
Councilor Hoaradin Delorin
Spellguard Reunification Charter In an effort to have the Spellguard realign with the city, under the Council, this charter has been established. The charter is the agreement made between Sanctuary and the Spellguard, and it shall detail the power granted to the Spellguard including the limitations on that power.- The Spellguard shall rejoin Sanctuary, agreeing to adhere fully and completely to the cities laws.
- The Spellguard shall make all internal files and communications open to the Council, so that the Council may better communicate their desires to the Spellguard.
- The Spellguard shall uphold this charter, and should they fail, the Council reserves the right to begin revoking the privileges granted to them within.
- Any Councilor who leaks integral Spellguard files or communications to non-governmental officials shall be charged with capital crimes.
- The Spellguard shall receive no funding by the city of Sanctuary, but may request funding for specific projects. This funding shall come from the Council's Discretionary Fund.
- The Spellguard shall be granted the ability to arrest individuals who break the laws of Sanctuary, and these individuals will be held at the Watch House. A Spellguard Agent may act as a prosecutor in a criminal trial.
- The Spellguard is an independent organization from the Watch and shall hold no authority over them. It shall have its own chain of command, which also shall have no relation to the chain of command of the Watch. Both the Watch and the Spellguard, while being independent organizations, will work in tandem in matters of defense. If there is an issue of contention between the two organizations it will be brought before a Councilor.
- The Spellguard shall enchant and empower the utilities of Sanctuary, including equipment utilized by other organizations free of charge.
- The Spellguard shall be granted complete rights over the Machine, which shall be overseen by the Council. The Spellguard shall use the Machine for the benefit of Sanctuary, not only to improve the general quality of life for the city but also for its defense as well.
- Any individual causing harm or damage to the Machine shall be charged with a capital crime.
- Any individual who inhibits the ability of the Spellguard to study and operate the machine shall be charged with a capital crime.
- The Spellguard shall provide each Councilor of Sanctuary with personal animatronic defenses to ensure their safety.
- Any citizen of Sanctuary who is under the age of 15 shall submit themselves to the Spellguard to test if they have the potential to master arcane magic. If the individual is found to be viable they will be offered, but not obligated, to study arcane magic at the Spellguard Tower.
- A Spellguard Agent will be given the right to issue warrants for the arrest of citizens, but these warrants may be overturned by a member of the Council.
- The Spellguard Tower shall be designated as the private property of the Spellguard, wherein they will obey the laws of Sanctuary. They have the right to forcefully eject individuals from their Tower as well as to seal it off to the public. However, a Councilor may, at any time, request to enter the Tower and tour any or all rooms.
- The Spellguard shall be empowered to enforce laws against illegal magic use. Using magic outside of a warded area shall result in the charge of a serious crime.
- The Spellguard shall enchant the Advanced Council Toga with its previous abilities, in addition to giving it the power to safely cast outside a warded magic area.
- The Spellguard shall be devoted to the protection and well being of the Citizens of Sanctuary, ensuring that their lives are in no way threatened or harmed through the use of the machine or their arcane abilities.
- The Spellguard shall place animatrons and agents within the Town Hall to ensure the safety of the Council and those who work within. They may be removed at any time by the majority vote of the Council.
- The Spellguard shall produce arcane potions and wands to sell to the general public. They will also produce other goods and services, either from the machine or from their arcane abilities to sell to the general public. Of the profit made 25% shall go to the Sanctuary Council and the rest may be kept by the Spellguard to cover upkeep costs.