Home > Lower Sanctuary

[Posted about lower]

Posted prominently around lower, the Delve, and otherwise

Red and Brown.

Blood and Dirt.

Two things all Lowerfolk know too well.

Be you a merchant, Bladesman, Mage, or Otherwise, If you're a lowerman or lass, Stop by the Gambling hall for a chat.

New Dunwarren and Upper continue to try to push their tyrrany below, so Let us show them that Lower can take care of itself.

Sign up Today.

Also seeking Clean-up Crews for restoration.


The Blood and Dirt of Lower grow thicker.

But we Prevail.

The Formian Menace was crushed.

Prevent further deaths of innocents, Stop by the Gambling Hall to enlist in the Dirty Nancy's.

Together we can bring victory to Lower.

[the second notice is updated]

[posted near the other two]

Join the Nancy's.

Have a Voice.

Keep Lower safe.

Stop by the gambling hall Now.