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I'm out for a while & may be some time...

Life throws things at you that often you don't expect but you have to step up & take these things on.

Right now there are some very difficult things that I'm having to deal with, namely that my mother's cancer coming back after being in remission for the last 9 years and so I had to quit my job in order to care for her while she under goes surgery, radio & chemo therapy.

This puts life into persepctive and as much as I would love to continue playing here, I have to focus my attention on helping my mum get through this. So I won't be around much, if at all for the forseable future.

I want to say to everyone here the obvious thing: spend time with the people you care about because you really don't know when they may not be about.

Take care everyone

Life does throw some real curve balls at us sometimes. =/

Take care of your mum, Talwyn. I really, really hope it all works out in the end. And if you ever want some distraction, even just a little? Well, you know where you can come.