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Some log snippets of Urog's short life

So Urog the CE Garagos barbarian lasted three whole days. He was always starting fights he couldn't win and being in general a dumb and strong paragon follower of Garagos, which was exploited ruthlessly IC. On his first day in town he got in five or six different fights with PCs/DM controlled guards. Second day three more fights. Third day just one. The highest level he reached was four and apparently a lot of people wanted him dead by the third day. Proof that you don't need levels to make a difference!

Urog fighting a Dragazhar at level 4. He is never allowed to run, leading to some silly scenarios where he's in negative hps, recovering hp and the creature is standing over him waiting. Of course he can't run so he has to attack it again when he gets up until he dies or it dies, rinse repeat. Here I forgot I had taunt queued and he got up and taunted. Before I knew it, it exploded in red mist and I was trying to figure out what happened. :) http://img359.imageshack.us/my.php?image=urog15lg.png

Urog fighting the Golden Doubloons, level 3. He had some beef with them since the first day. Someone invisible attacked Urog and he was dragged into combat, accidentally struck Danael with a scythe crit AoO. Danael was only winded. :O Another WTF moment. Trepidity intervened before he was murdered by the ensuing mob. http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/4762/urog20te.png

There were a lot of other good times that I didn't screenshot and by far this was the most fun character to play.

You left a real mark with me, Mr. Urog. :) I'll be looking over my shoulder for a spooky, scythe-wielding red orc for the rest of my virtual life. Are you saying that he's gone now? Because from a solely OOC standpoint, that makes me a saaad panda.

Hey dude!

Urog kicked ass! It's sad he was short-lived, but frankly a guy like him can't survive long. >.< He did leave a mark in my book. He made my character paranoid to an extent even!

<3 Urog.

Lot of good times with Urog. We quested for three days maybe and the only times you got jumped I wasn't logged in :( . I saw Urog as a misunderstood CN myself. Especially after that little talk he gave in regards to how the only thing he had was his honor, and if he ran from battle it would lessen him so that when he did die, he'd die a weak coward.

My most surprising moment, however, was after he got jumped in the Crone, called a monster and had everything stolen from him, then insulted a Tigereye and got beaten up some more. I was trying to recruit someone in the Rock and Urog stumbles in at one hitpoint. What follows goes something like this.

Victor Greyson- [twirls his mustache] Mmm, yes, turned into a weremouse don't you know. Most unsportsmanlike. Good gravy Urog, what in blazes happened to you?

Urog- Urog challenge little woman to honorable fight in Crone. Five punnys attack Urog when he winning and beat him and steal his things. Dey call Urog monster-[bursts into tears] UROG NOT A MONSTER! [sobs]

Victor Greyson- [taken aback] ...ah..there there big fellow [pats him awkwardly on the shoulder]. Its alright, its alright. [binds his wounds] We'll get the scoundrals responsible.

Urog- Urog need new scythe Victor.

-You'd have to have met Urog, but thinking of him bursting into tears over being called a monster is pretty incredible. I really enjoyed playing with him, and will miss him tons. And on top of that I need to find new muscle. Kudos man, can't wait for your next character.

DO anotehr oen

Funniest part is dragzars are'nt all that tough. My level four fighter killed one the other day. There's a"trick" to it even without a magic weapon or power attack. But I'll let people figure it out ic (and no it does'nt involve exploiting ai)