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[Sent to several Estates][DM]

A letter is left at the Archibald, Donrick, Lavenza and Gimininny Estates, and a letter is given personally to one of Matterheims foxy nurses.

Esteemed Lord,

My name is Sir Leonard Merrickson, a Knight in the service of my liege, Lord Berensen.

I write to your esteemed person in order that I might accrue a better understanding of the altruism and heroism of The Divine Rights own, here in this town. As Siamorphe decrees, it is the solemn and unavoidable responsibility of those who have found themselves in such a stature as yourself to care for the common people. Only through benevolent rule, will the people of this City see the futile efforts of their democracy.

I ask you then, M'lord, if I might be brought into your grace so far as to be informed as to what deeds of charity, and good will you bring to the people of this fair City. I am deeply sorry to admit very little has reached my ears regarding the noble class within these depths, and even less of their deeds to aid their commoner wards.

I have no doubt that I have merely missed word of your brave, and generous contributions to the quality and ease of life, in this fair Settlement, and I look forward to hearing tales of your benevolent, generous nature.

May Lord Firemane bless you with rightful rule, and Siamorphe forever keep your name amongst her favoured,

Sir Leonard Merrickson Knight in the Service of Lord Berenson

Leonard stops by the estates to see if his letters were picked up.

A response is returned from the Donrick Estate from a drunken Christopher after a night of heavy partying.

Mr. Merrickson,

There's nothing more divine than an entire evening spent with two lovely women, save maybe the finest wines stolen from the cellars of Traensyr's Noble Houses.

~C. Donrick.

No response is returned from the Lavenza Estate. A dirty looking servant at the Archibald Estate informs you that the letter has been received, but Lord Archibald has not decided whether or not he wishes to respond. Matterheim is found blabbering about Kobolds. A servant at the Gimininny Estate informs you the letter was received.