2007-10-13 13:14:12 UTC
In my endless quest to use up free time, I stumbled across this Mod (No worrys, Its an override, id never commit the heresy of sudjesting a .hac), and thought it might be worth pointing out:
Finally distinguishing between sleeping and being tripped would be nice... But, then again, I might be missing something. Just a sudjestion.
2007-10-13 20:39:18 UTC
Anyone who actually manages to get this to work, PM me how, please.
2007-10-13 21:08:47 UTC
Holy crap i made a popular sudguestion. How did this happen... If it gets implemented, i am going to chain someone to the roof asap :P
Linelle, PM sent.
2007-10-13 21:10:32 UTC
Holy crap i made a popular sudguestion. How did this happen... If it gets implemented, i am going to chain someone to the roof asap :PLinelle, PM sent.
That was teh Mezors.
EDIT: Ive personally tested it, It works amazingly, although for the EFU download if no one minds ill recommend we remove the "Hanging" feat for everyone but DM's, so only DM'l be able to tie people to the roof. To fix the old account issue, id recommend adding a "add property" ability to the character tokens that would add the feats to an item. just more suggestions.
2007-10-13 21:42:50 UTC
Simply extract the archive into your /override to be able to access the new feats in any module (with new characters).
Enforce Legal Characters will probably flag characters made with this override installed as illegal. Setting this up server-side may end up making characters made without this override as illegal - and people without it would crash if someone uses the new emote, due to the missing animation that their client is being told to play.
If this does work without requiring server-side alterations and doesn't cause trouble for other players when you make use of it, though, then by all means, download away!
2007-10-14 07:44:36 UTC
Woops, new characters it says, nevermind..
But then how CAN it work for NPCs?
2007-10-14 16:54:56 UTC
Says in Readme file that chars will likely be excluded as Illegal. A pity though.