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School of War Services

*The following flyers are posted in areas in and around Sanctuary. One can find flyers in Mycoplis, New Dunwarren, Lower Sanctuary, Machine Zone, and Upper Sanctuary*

The School of War would like to welcome all of those people in and around Sanctuary to come to upper sanctuary and pay us a visit at the School of War. We are a school dedicated to the combatic arts be they Melee, ranged combat, arcane combat, or any form of combat for that matter. We provide these services to any and all citizens of the area surrounding Sanctuary:

* Record keepers of duels that take place in the arena and make sure that disputes are handeled honorably and according to the duelists' rules.

*Open pells and archery targets to help inprove your fighting skills in what ever fighting style you practice.

*Open seats and podium for lectures and discussions that anyone would want to have on any topic of war.

*Shrines to Tempus and the Red Knight to any wishing to pay homage to two of the gods of war.

Feel free to stop by today and see what we have to offer all citizens of the areas around Sanctuary. - Calious Reishma, Staff Member of the School of War