*A series of brightly colored flyers are scattered through out lower. Bearing a bright sunburst at the bottom. Many of the flyers are quite low to the ground so children can read them. Several are handed to the medcine lady and the old woman to the north to read to the children. They are scattered by a man in a ascension cloak with a bright gold helmet.*
Brothers and Sisters,
To long have the children of lower gone hungry. To long have they been huddled in darkness and fear. This coming weekend The Shrine of Ascension is holding the Feast of Light. A celebration of food, and stories of the surface.
Meals will be offered as well as plays, stories, poems and all kind of entertainment. All the children of lower shall be welcomed into our halls as we celebrate.
All our welcome to this celebration to join with us in sharing the bounties we have with those children who are less fortunate. So come and Praise the Ascension with us. Through Virtue and Valor we will find the way.
OOC: 12 am GMT (midnight) Sunday