Squall and Rinoa Forever
2007-10-08 21:10:33 UTC
Hello EfU!
SaRF here. It has come to my attention that most of you guys do not have the portrait for Valaron Sunellar, which is a huge travesty! So, to keep you guys from wallowing in the darkness any longer, and to give you the full experience you've been waiting for, I give you-the link to Valaron Sunellar's portrait.
Kudos to Phaere for doing an amazing job, even though Linelle hates all Phaere's artwork 'cuz she claims to be a girl. I'll leave you guys now to marvel at his dreaminess.
2007-10-08 21:23:23 UTC
The travesty has been corrected. Now see Valaron in his true glory. Druids all around the worlds are joyous that the balance has been restored.
2007-10-08 21:30:47 UTC
Wiggy's girlfriend approves.
2007-10-08 22:10:38 UTC
Off Topic? Move to Announcements, please.
2007-10-08 22:21:00 UTC
I'm such a noob.
I just got that Sunellar was an Aasimar!! d(X_X)b
The golden eyes and the flawless skin should have given it up - I was just thinking:.. he's just using make-up.
About time we get to see that portrait ~_~
2007-10-08 22:44:39 UTC
I refuse to view this portrait...
Because I know that I'll end up being lost in ur eyes forever <3_<3
2007-10-09 01:15:02 UTC
Greatest moment of my life. Ever.
2007-10-09 02:36:40 UTC
An ass-mar and wearing a dress? Silly paladins XD
Now my hate can burn, everytime I see that portrait. RAWK ON!
2007-10-09 12:05:34 UTC
Trolls. All of you!
SaRF... Is this an emo portrait of when Valaron was just out of God-school? Last I saw him, he was a grumpy old man with white hair smashing things outside the Sanc Gates.
However, awesome superlativeness incarnate is the pic. Ty...
2007-10-09 12:07:54 UTC
I am sorry, but I must say that portrait looks horrible. I for one shall not be downloading it. >_>
2007-10-09 12:10:01 UTC
Wiggy's girlfriend approves.
That portrait is too edgy for EFU.

2007-10-09 12:47:42 UTC
I don't think that link is working. I see only cheese, where is Valaron?
2007-10-09 14:14:29 UTC
It looks like he is crying.
2007-10-09 20:19:53 UTC
Showing a little bit of leg there, is he? Kinky.
2007-10-09 20:32:19 UTC
I never really thought of Valaron as a circa 1980's David Bowie, but it works.
2007-10-09 20:32:47 UTC
You'd cry too if you were Sunnelar. Sanctuary has far too few mirrors.