[These mysterious notices appear in all heavily populated areas of Sanctuary, there seems to be no sign of whoever was responsible for the creation or the distribution of these notices, but the results of their work is there for all to see]
The Drow! They are everywhere, nasty rats crawl all over Sanctuary. They walk amongst us while hiding their faces behind ugly helms! If you see a helmed Elf, ask him....or her to remove the helm, if they refuse ask them once more, if they still refuse to comply pelt them with rotten fruit and any other sharp objects within reach until they either comply or flee with their tails beneath their legs! Do your part to ensure the long-term safety of our city, get rid of the Masked Menace!
If said helmed elf is not a Drow, the writer of these notes takes no responsibility for any fines and/or arrests
[A sketch of what appears to be a star with numerous rough lines extending from it's center is seen on the bottom of the notice, there is no signature]