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To those of you that helped me test my quest last night:

I'd just like to say thanks, again. There are some nights this game drives me crazy, and I can honestly say I do not have much fun at all playing it. Last night however, was one of my favorite nights on EFU to date. Thanks again to all of you. <3 <3 <3

It was really cool! - It was really in the -zone- in terms of challenge - We got plenty of heart-attack moments! Yet always managed to find a way to succeed! ( almost <_< )

But yeah, :o~ awesome(s).

I took some screenies of course, I dont remember if they were good - but will post them when it wont be spoilerish!

I only wish I could have been there.

Keep it up sherry! We all <3 you.

Definitely a good time, Sherry. Thanks for the craziness!