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A Maimed Minotaur Announcement

Although these posters have been scruffily made by using old ledskir loan notices, the careful appliance of the inks seems to insist that the writer has put some effort into it, they are found scattered around Lower and the outskirts of Mycropolis

The Maimed Minotaur Inn would like to present....

The Cage of Rage!

The Maimed Minotaur Inn will be holding this Prestigious event for one Dark only on (// Saturday 6th October, 11PM GMT) The Cage of Rage will consist of multiple 1v1 fights in a tournament style but with a twist! The twist being the bone chilling trap conviently located in the middle of the cage, are you a fearless warrior that lets your bloodlust take control as you rampage across the cage or are you a cool headed tactician that lets his brain do the fighting in times of danger? The Cage of Rage will show all! Weilders of the arcane need not enter, this is a show of strength, not tricks!

Danger and the thrill of victory not enough to entice you into the cage? The management of the Maimed Minotaur have generously decided to donate 1000 coins as prize money. For those with a lack of skill but a eye for combat, the bar will be open to all during the Cage of Rage event.

All are welcome to come and try to claim the title of "King of the cage!"

The Maimed Minotaur Management

The Maimed Minotaur Management accept no responsiblity for deaths during this event. Competitors enter the cage at their own risk

Next to the notices is a short list of rules

Rules of the Cage

The entry fee of the tournament is 200 gold. All competitors must pay this to be entered into the tournament.

No Arcane spells to be cast within the cage at any time during fights, this is a challenge of strength and faith. Not tricks

A maximum of two potions of your choice may be used throughout the whole tournament. No items or trinkets may be used during the tournament (herbs/antitoxins/Sulutary tonics may be used when waiting for your next fight to heal any wounds or ailments you may of picked up during the last fight) Failure to comply with this rule will be punished by disqualification from the tournament.

Once your opponment is unable to fight (voices his wish to stop or is subdued/knocked out), you must stop immediately. Failure to do so will punished by disqualification and will be treated as attempted murder/murder depending on the circumstances. This will be dealt with as the management sees fit.

You must not leave the Inn at any time, this is to ensure cheating does not take place. Failure to comply with this rule will be treated as your withdrawal from the competition.

Divine prayers/blessings are allowed however you may not pray once the tournament has started, failure to comply with this rule will be punished by disqualifcation from the tournament.

The Maimed Minotaur Management

Scruffily wrote under the notices

Due to the managements busy schedule, this is now taking place at the new time of... ( 9PM GMT )

The Maimed minotaur Management.

A dwarf of some sort goes about sticking these across lower

The cage of rage!

Happening this dark only at (9PM GMT)

these notes are stuckabout lower

The Cage of Rage will be hungry for blood in less than an hour! Be there at the Maimed Minotaur!

The notices are removed as quickly as they were placed