Citizens of Sanctuary, this is your elected representative, councillor Aledrec of Yhaunn.
These are dark times for our fair city. We have endured terrible hardship of late, and not one citizen can say they have not felt the pinch. We are perilously short on metal, and every day our enemies seem to grow in number. And so it is with some trepidation that citizens have come and asked me why it is that Shadow Tribe kobolds are at work at our town gate.
This is part of a deal brokered by your council and supported by the sheriff to bring much needed metal to Sanctuary. We have signed a trade agreement that will provide plentiful supplies of cheap iron, copper and other much needed non-precious metals. This lucrative deal was brokered with the Shadow Tribe, and it will see our current metal shortage put to end. However, part of this deal involves building a statue of a dragon on the hill overlooking our gate.
Now I know this is not ideal. The council is well aware of reservations members of our community have with kobolds in general, and especially those associated with a dragon. Many of us on the council have similar concerns. Yet I urge you all to remember this is only a trade deal. I urge you not to listen to those who would say this is the start of a slippery slide toward vassalage. We are free men and women, and we will never willingly give Sanctuary over to the Shadow Tribe, or any other organisation! We will fight against any who tell us we must kowtow too their demands, no matter what race they are, or who they represent! Unfortunately, we need metal to fight effectively.
We have waited as long as we could for a useable supply of local metal to be unearthed. We had to act, before our brave defenders were unable to guard the gates or our economy collapsed. I still hope in time that we will have our own local supply of metal, and I urge all citizens with mining or meteorological skills to continue their tireless search for such a supply. In the mean time we have a cheap and bountiful supply of metal. We have been assured by the Shadow Tribe that this metal is mined by kobolds, not slaves. It is purchased as part of a mutual trade agreement which in time can only make us stronger as a city.
So when the dragon statue is finished, and you walk out the gates and see it look down upon you; do not think of it as a sign of capitulation. Think of it as a reminder that we live surrounded by dangers, against which we must keep a constant vigil. Think of it as a testimony to the determination of the people of Sanctuary to survive and thrive, no matter what the cost. Above all, think of it as a sign of our continued freedom, no matter what the adversity outside our gates!
Thank you for listening.