Whats the current thoughts on this from the DM staff? If it's the same as a few other servers what would be the appeal of coming to this server instead of staying where we are?
Personally I don't find a level range change to be a distinguishing difference between multiple servers of this kind if everything else was the same. However, your question is legitimate so I'll try to address it. Before I do so, however, let me say I have a tremendous amount of respect for the various other persistent story-based servers out there and fully hope to imitate the parts about them that I liked. I'll also say that there are absolutely reasons to stay on these other servers: the big ones have hit on formulas that keep an active player base, and we haven't done anything yet except attract the attention of a small group. EfU could easily disappear in a cloud of smoke.
That said, I'm also absurdly optimistic about the chances of success with this one, and completely convinced that once it goes live everyone who chooses to participate will be absolutely blown away.
There will be real and meaningful differences between the various servers that are out there, and I see absolutely no reason why players can't enjoy all of them depending on their preference.
This is what I think makes us stand out though:
(1) Very favorable player to DM ratio. We have 11 active DMs covering every single time-zone across the globe. Each DM is excited and motivated to make the world come alive.
(2) Completely non-canon location. The town of Sanctuary was designed from the start to be the perfect setting for what we're trying to do. We're not adopting the stale NPCs of some source book. This has enormous implications for having the freedom to change the world, and for a more flavorful and interesting setting.
(3) Non-Lawful Good atmosphere. What's the point of being a hero if your deeds are over-shadowed by the organized heroism of a powerful group? Sanctuary isn't an evil city like Zhentil keep, but what it is is a PC character driven place: the focus of the story is always on the PCs. The town will become what players choose to make of it.
(Being elected to town council and changing laws, taking on major NPCs and winning, faction conflict with lasting implications, etc.)
(4) Greater emphasis on non-scripted activities. This ties in with the larger DM team aspect, but I simply think players will spend a greater percentage of their time doing other things than a handful of scripted quests.
(5) Larger, character-lifetime goals. I think the challenge of escaping will interest a lot of players. I see all characters as having a story, and the best stories don't linger on for an eternity: we hope to provide a really great beginning, middle, and end.
(6) Goofy-hippie welcoming attitude: whenever I get all excited about the grand possibilities of what this server has to present, I have a little voice in the back of my head. "What about the casual player? Somene who is new to role-playing, or who wants to RP something simple" All I can say is that that kind of player is more than welcome to play here, and will hopefully find it just as satisfying an environment as someone more experienced.
There's more, but I'm running late --
What that means is that the playerbase is very similar, the levels are the same, and the only thing truly changing is a bit of scenery. Though I don't care much about levels, it would be a nice change, I think, to offer a different range of options for players.
The level range will be lower (equivalent to other RP-focused servers) at the start because nothing makes for a more unwelcoming server when a small handful of players are level 16 and everyone else is level 3. When new people sign on, we want them to instantly feel like they can make a difference and aren't completely over-shadowed by older characters.
It's also just harder to do to build a server with flavorful and awesome quests for a broader level range. So give us time.
All that being said, our level range will increase with time as the server matures. Honestly, I personally think NWN is a more interesting game mechanically at the 10+ range. If you look at our DM base, lots of us tended to drift towards the higher level range when we were players on other servers.