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Luk's "Scheme Scrolls"

On the surface, several years ago...

There was this one alley that was always the best place to set up shop. It was out of the way even at this late hour, in this part of town. The sewer entrance nearby was just one possible escape route, should buisness turn bad. The rooftops were close together too, and just a short distance away, a broken beam made access to them easy.

But business rarely went sour these days. "Trusted clients only" was a thing of the past. Nowadays the wardens all got along and left the independants alone. Atleast for the time being. But that was why I was out here in the first place. One must use peaceful times to prepare for the trouble ahead.

Larkin had always arrived from above. I'd stand in the alley waiting, enjoying the calm when a rope would unfold all the way from the rooftops to the ground before me, using his loot bag as a weight of sorts.

"Full bag again, Lark?"

"Yeah, enough atleast to get a priest to see ol' Mae and get her cured. You have the stuff?"

"The stuff..." Most folk that knew me - the folk that slept come night time anyways - believed that I was an aspiring inventor. I had my little workshop and occasionally even a customer. The folks who purchased my wares at the workshop, though, would probably forever think that all I made were music boxes and the like.

Larks knew more than that. Him and the other thieves around the Ol' Quater knew that I made contraptions to make their jobs a little bit easier.

"Praise Gond, friend. With these wares you'll be able to get enough loot to make sure Mae lives for another 50 years."

[This page is a scroll with the techincal information concerning the item known as the Spice Shaker. The following pages include an explanation of the item's function and purpose.]

[Direct link] http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/4953/spiceshakerdj3.jpg

The Spice Shaker device is a throwable weapon meant to rapidly and silently rob the target humanoid of his sight and hearing, or even cause more lethal damage. Any sort of powder can be loaded into its payload chambers, which is ground up and released when the device strikes its target.

The device itself looks like a metalic sphere with its surface covered with 4 rows of holes below and above its midsection. The surface of the sphere ends just before the midsection of the device, revealing the lock and the inner shell. It is in this area that the device is armed and activated. By turing the halves of the sphere in opposite direction to eachother the mechanisms within aquire energy to move the grinders once the sphere is seperated. This also sets the timer. They will maintain this energy aslong as the sphere remains in one piece.

Once it is sperated the grinders begin to stir the powder, and the timer to release the product will start. Each semi-sphere has a half of the same lenght of wire line stored in its part of the midsection. This is drawn out as the semi-spheres are moved from eachother once seperated. When fully extended it is to be used to sling the two armed halves at the target. It is recommended that the user aims for the neck, if the powder needs to be inhaled to be effective. The pressure platform system within the device will make sure that all of the stirred up powder is pumped out once the device strikes and the timer has released the valves on the exhaust.

When the contents of the device are released, the two halves will start to draw in the wire into their midsections rapidly. This will tighten the hold on the targets neck, either making it more difficult to remove the item or, if the hold is particulary good, making them gasp for air, which would mean a higher intake of the powder.

See R. Villyrd at the Broken Boots Tavern for your powders.

See R. Villyrd at the Broken Boots Tavern for your powders...

R. Villyrd... Villyrd was probably the closest thing to a business partner I had. The crazy old fool owned the Broken Boots Tavern, and he was also the only alchemist in this part of town. Occasionally he would even test his concoctions on the unlucky drunkards that were his customers. And yes, anyone trying to move in on his business disappeared mysteriously, only to be found weeks later with their eyes rolled back into their skulls and skin turned sickly green.

Still, Villyrd delivered the best poisons, both of the intoxicating kind and lethal. All you had to do was know when to say when...

[This page is a scroll with the techincal information concerning the item known as the "Hag's Claw" grappling arrow. The following pages include an explanation of the item's function and purpose.]

[Direct link] http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8841/hcarrowcv5.jpg

With the aid of the Hag's Claw grappling arrow, the user can reach various heights and bypass many obstacles. Its strength, light weight and silent use make it a must for "Building Inspectors" everywhere.

The shell of the arrow is made of two hollow metal tubes named the inner and outer shaft. The mechanisms are contained within the inner shaft, and the outer is part of the trigger. When in the "folded" state, the inner shaft is within the outer and the arrow resembles an ordinary wooden arrow. The bottom end of this arrow has a loop where rope is to be attached, and it also serves as a trigger mechanism. The tip has an arrow head that seperates into four smaller tips once the mechanism is activated.

When a rope is attached to the loop and the lock is released, the arrow is ready to be fired. Once fired, it will continue being "folded" until the rope tightens and ends the arrow's journey in mid air.

When the rope tightens, the trigger is released and the outer shaft is pulled back, while the inner shaft continues to move upwards and releases the "Claw".

After the Claw is fully deployed, the upper end of the outer shaft will lock into the bottom end of the inner, at this point the trigger loop is only connected to the sinew lines mechanisms within the inner shaft. Once the Claw has landed on a surface or, for example a window ledge, any further pulling on the rope will make the Claw grip tighten and dig its tips into the surface of the object, if that is possible. The higher the force pulling on the rope, the tighter the grip, ensured by the sinew and pulley systems within the inner shaft and the Claw itself.

Use 2 or 3 Hag's Claw arrows simultaneously if in need to lift heavier weights. Contact Luk for weight/strength information and large order discounts.

It was "Loudmouth" Myra that made the Hag's Claw a rather interesting item to the community. For once, one could be happy that she kept on babbling forever about something. After all, it was free advertising.

She bragged about how she took out Nobleman Dronnor's bodyguard with the device...

She was sneaking around on the third floor of his estate when she accidently woke the brute and it came looking for intruders. He blocked her escape route, though, as she had entered the house through a window one floor below and he was moving down the well-lit hallway, away from the stairs leading down, in her direction.

She sneaked around and made for the attic as the bodyguard went door to door, inspecting the empty rooms.

In the attic she realised that the length of rope she had would not be enough to climb down and that she was stuck at this height. She looked around and devised a desperate plan for when the bodyguard finally reached the attic entrance.

Carefully and as quietly as possible, she moved an old cabinet to the window on the wall across from the entrance to the attic. The ceiling here was very low, and the bottom of the large window was very close to the floor.

She took out the second of her 3 Hag's Claws and secured one end of her remaining length of rope to the device and the other to the cabinet. Then she opened the window and waited, leaning against the cabinet as if preparing to push it out.

When she finally heard him approach, she drew the Hag's Claw and aimed her bow at the entrance.

When the bodyguard moved up the steps and lifted the hatch, she started to push the cabinet, while she was readjusting her aim. She knew it was only a matter of seconds before the light from his torch revealed where she was hiding.

As the cabinet fell out of the window and the piled rope started to untangle and leap after it, she fired the arrow. Now the slack rope was flying both after the arrow in one direction, and the falling cabinet in the other.

It missed the bodyguard's side by an inch and continued to fly a short distance behind him. Then, in the blink of an eye, the rope tightened and the arrow almost seemed to stop mid-air, emitting a sound like that made when one sheathes a sword quickly. The hook-like metalic fingers of the Hag's Claw had emerged and the force from the falling cabinet pulled the whole device backwards, digging the hooks into the bodyguard's back.

He was dragged right out of the window and fell to his death.

[This scroll contains the technical information regarding the ordinary music box that was sold at Luk's workshop, back on the surface...]

[Direct link] http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2135/musicboxkf0.jpg

Few merchants do not have to worry about competition. Sure, one can always deal with competitors like Villyrd does, but I always preferred a more sublte way of getting things done.

In my buisness inspiration is key. Sometimes it can be found taking a walk down the streets, and other times... Well, at other times it can be found on the schematic scrolls locked away in a safe behind the picture in the basement of the workshop of a competitor.

And yet at other times still one doesn't even have to look very far or try to look for it at all. Take the ordinary music box, for example. Few can resist the simple yet beautiful melody it emits.

With that in mind, came the idea for the distraction and disarmer device known as the Livid Minstrel.

[This page is a scroll with the techincal information concerning the item known as the "The Livid Minstrel". The following pages include an explanation of the item's function and purpose.]

[Direct Link]


The "Livid Minstrel" is a throwable trap and lure. Its purpose is to distract guards and then render them incapable of wielding a weapon.

Once thrown or, better still, quietly rolled to an area in the vicinity of the target, the device will begin to play sounds alike those of a music box to draw the attention of the target. It will continue to do so until it is picked up or the winding mechanism is out of potential energy.

Should the device draw attention and then be attempted to be picked up, the pressure triggers within the two semi-spheres will fire. The lock on this device serves two purposes, it keeps the winding mechanism locked but also acts as a barrier for the two semi spheres so that the triggers can not be set off ahead of time.

Once the triggers are set off, the Livid Minstrel with forcefully eject several spikes from its inside. If the guard picks up the device with his "sword arm", the device will render it useless or it will atleast affect his ability to use a weapon.

[This page is a scroll with the techincal information concerning the item known as the "Seer" buckler. The following pages include an explanation of the item's function and purpose.]

[Direct link] http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/15/seerbucklermo2.jpg

The device is named the Seer because originally it was just supposed to be used as a quick way of peeking around corners.

The item was later upgraded to be a device that you can fold out and use as a buckler when needed. If a buckler was not necessary it could be retracted, and the device would then serve its original purpose.

It is worn around your palm and can be operated by twisting and pushing the section of it that rests on top of your hand.

Several strips of thin, polished metal are stacked ontop of each other, and these sections can be unfolded or folded to make a small round shield. Then the mechanism can be locked or unlocked with consecutive pushes on the center of the device.

"Quiet." I said to her.

"You know, I always knew one of you idiots would get me killed. Why did I bother to..."


I worked together with Myra on this job. After the "Hag's Claw" event, I was hoping that having her with me while I used some of my new creations would pay off. It would give her something to talk about, and since it probably took the combined power of the Deities to get her to shut up, I figure it would atleast get me some new customers.

"What were you thinking leading me here? We can't go back the way we came... You know what's waiting over there! We're stuck here now."


We were in the basement. The stone chamber was bare. The only exits were the stairs leading back up and a single metal door across from it. Because of the commotion the "Livid Minstrel" caused up above, that way was out of the question now.

"You know, when they come for us, I'll beg them to let me kill you first, Luk. I've no idea how you managed to make it thus far. You must be the luckiest ba..."


The metal door was bolted from the outside, there was no keyhole. I squeezed a dagger tip into the small space between the door edge and the wall, and run it down the length of the opening, trying to locate exactly where the bolt was.

"The door's bolted, idiot. What were you going to do? Knock and hope they let you out?"


I took out the "Serpent's Kiss" and slipped the apparatus on.

"I'm getting out of here on my own. I think I can sneak past them. If you make it out alive, Luk, I'll be coming for you, dung-head."

She was half-way back to the stairs when I spoke.

"Wouldn't you rather take this way?"

The metal door was opened, smoke and a sizzling sound escaped from somewhere along its side.

"How did you manage this?"

"With this." I showed her the apparatus. "Something you could identify with, Myra - this thing also spouts the kind of venom you'd think is strong enough to even cut steel..."

She narrowed her eyes and twisted her lips, clearly not amused. "Let's go, fool."

[This page is a scroll with the techincal information concerning the item known as the "Serpent's Kiss". The following pages include an explanation of the item's function and purpose.]

[Direct Link]


The "Serpent's Kiss" projects a thin stream of acid out of the piece that is worn on the user's index finger in order to cut through various locks that can not be picked.

The acid is contained in a pouch that is worn on the underside of one's palm. This pouch can be squeezed down with all remaining fingers in order to control the acid flow.

The ring that has the end-pipe connected to it, is intentionally small so that it can only be fitted on the tip of the index finger.

"... Dat whut she sed!"

The two men standing guard outside the door to the government official's sleeping quaters joked.

"Thank you..." Larkin thought to himself as the poor joke reached his hiding place, further down the dark hallway. He would not feel bad about knocking both of them out now. He produced two metalic orbs out of his bag.

"Hev heard de one about de..." One of the guards started to speak but was stopped by something moving rapidly down the hall, that he just caught a glimpse of. The other guard gasped and started to choke. With a puffing sound his head suddenly became enveloped by a small, yellow cloud. He fell to his knees clawing at his neck, the cloud persistantly following to the area where his head now was.

The unaffected guard reached for his blade but didn't even manage to draw it before something came flying at him, hissing and grinding like some sort of predatory winged animal.

Larkin recoved the two "Spice Shakers" from the twitching bodies of the guards that now were on the floor. He'd have to make a stop at the Broken Boots after this, he thought.

A large table stood in the middle of the lavishly decorated, poorly lit sleeping chamber. The big bed with the sleeping official was leaning against the wall opposite to the exit. A dying fire in the fire place was the only thing illuminating the upper walls.

Intentionally he knocked over a vase and let it roll off the side of the table. As it crushed on the floor, the official awoke.

"Who... Who in the Hells are you?" he asked while trying to comprehend what was going on.

Larkin stayed near the table, partially covered in shadow. He drew his hood down and revealed his red hair and masked face.

"I'm here to deliver a message. It would be in everyone's best interest if the establishment known as Mae's Kitchens was not forced to shut down." Larkin spoke, his voice slightly muffled by his mask.

"Oh, that. That place? Believe you me, nothing would please me more than the knowledge that that place continues to serve its filth to the residents of the slums. However the city has other plans for you and your lot. -I- think that it would be in everyone's best interest if you left right now. Nothing I can do about it, boy. We're cleaning up our town." His face produced an arrogant smirk as he was talking.

Larkin's hidden hand slowly moved behind him to the pouch attached to his belt. He hesitated between the device he prepared for this moment and the dagger. But, he realised, killing this man would not help Mae keep her place. He started to walk forward after stealthily placing the device on the edge of the table.

"This is not up for debate. But perhaps I wasn't clear..." As he kept on walking forward he saw by the forming expression of terror on the official's face that the device had worked and decieved him successfully.

On each of the four walls, shadows began to grow, until they became long and narrow. Each depicted a hooded figure of varying height, some with a sort of spike-like weapon, pointing tip-down, in their hands. The shadows moved around slightly and flickered, simulating slight movements.

"-We- really would like it if Mae's place remained open, and we know you can keep it open."

The official's narrowed eyes darted around the dark room as he tried to make out where the others were. There had to be atleast ten of them here and yet the damned room seemed empty save for that one bastard doing the talking!

His lower lip trembled as his head moved to face Larkin.

"A-Alright, damn you... Just get out, all of you!"

Larkin approached the bed-side and leaned forward, his eyes rapidly but only slightly moving from side to side as they focused on each of the official's eyes in turn.

"The day the Kitchen is closed will be followed by the night we'll come back to see you again." Larkin said as he knocked out the official with a punch to the face.

He left the room, making sure he grabbed the "All-for-One" device on his way out.

[The schematic scroll of the device known as the "All-For-One"]

[Direct Link]


The “All for One” is a device meant to be an aid to the user's own deception and intimidation skills.

It requires that certain conditions are met before it can function properly. The device must be used inside, in a place that is not well lit.

The light source and the silhouette strip within the device project several outlines of armed humanoids in cloaks and hoods onto a screen. These shadows, along with the light from the light source, are then manipulated and projected onto any surface facing any of the device's lenses. The light's brightness is also altered by the filters.

The dimensions of the silhouettes are constantly manipulated slightly to simulate movements and to make the illusion more believable.

[A new page is added into Luk's scroll folder, ontop of all of the pages that were created on the surface. More of them are further down below, though.]

I've created the plan to be sent to the musician that showed interest in the job I've offered. Hopefully, the druidess will accept the gift.

Also, must remember to contact Kepler when finished.


[... Back to the point where the old pages of the journal were presented...]

The half-orc whore's finger stroked and played with the hair on the side of Villyrd's face as he wolfed down the meal on the table infront of him. I sat on the bench opposite to them. Rain and thunder beat on the glass windows of the tavern. When he finished, he cast down the utensils onto the empty plate and pushed the woman's hand away.

"A boom. That's what's needed here, Luk. A loud one. A boom." He emphasised the onomatopoeic description with a gesture that brought his hands together and then quickly seperated them, spreading his fingers apart as they moved away.

"What do you mean? An explosion?" I asked.

"No, dammit. A boom!" he closed his hands and slammed them both on the table. The empty plate and mug jumped into the air.

I stared at him without flinching. His nonsense was getting tiresome, and I thought this would be a good time to start sending him that message. I wordlessly waited for him to explain himself.

He held up a hand with the index finger extended as his other looked for something in the bag beside him. It retrieved a strange stone and flung it onto the table surface.

I glanced at the shaking stone that seemed to emit a rumbling and buzzing sound. It was obviously enchanted.

"Wha-" I started but was interrupted as Villyrd moved a finger to his lips, his eyes moving around as though they were searching for something on the ceiling of the room.

A flash from outside was followed by thunder.

"There- Heard that? That's the boom. No fire, fire will not be beneficial to the end result at all..." he said finally. "This rock here - if you throw it at someone, the impact will produce a sound that will make their ears ring. Sling it at someone, it will temporarily deafen them. If you strike it with a hammer, it will throw you off your feet. See where I'm going with this, lad?" Villard asked.

I grabbed the rock as I nodded and examined it.

"I want you to make me something that will strike at the rock with enough force to turn it into dust." A wide grin formed on Villyrd's face as he thought about the end result of his scheme, whatever it was.

The device would be huge...

[The schematic scroll of the device known as the Clapper. The word "Prototype" is written on the back of the scroll along with the following notes.]

[Direct link]


Hammers pulled down and the joints wound up with a crank. Important: Both hammers must be pulled down and locked seperately. The hammers will swing around the pivot joint. Wind to increase force after locks are on.

Pressure reactant chambers must be filled completely, ideally on site.

Swing the pendulum to activate.

Alchemical reactions result in pressure which adds to the force of the crushers.

Focused and channelled vapor from reactions used to move the rock into place.

Hammers strike as the pendulum stops.

Hammers swing back after strike.


Villyrd imagined the pendulum's harmonic movements. They were so soothing.

A short time before, he had directed his horse and wagon right into the heart of the warehouse without any trouble, the device hidden beneath a sheet of cloth covering the top of the wagon. The guards thought of him as just another merchant or, perhaps, someone making a delivery with more potions.

He expected this. He chose this late hour to deliver the device and activate it. He knew everyone here would be too tired to bother following protocol, if they ever did at all. Because he didn't know how things worked here at the Villyrd Alchemical, the very successful business his parents and siblings had managed to create. But here he was, thinking about his mother's prophetic claims, made long ago, that he'd bring nothing but ruin to the family.

Tick-Tack, more swings of the pendulum.

Their life's work was stored on the shelves in the warehouse, row upon row of them. Each shelf filled to its capacity with various potions and glass containers with odd shapes. All of their wares exposed and displayed to impress potential customers.

Tick... Tack.

Watching the warehouse from a safe distance, Villard recalled his description of the magic unleased by the rock when it was struck. The more powerful the hit, the stronger the sound made. Only moments remained til the device struck at the enchanted rock with enough force to pulverise it.

Tick... *click*

In the blink of an eye, all potion bottles and other glass containers were shattered into millions of sparkling fragments by the thundering sound produced by the device.