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Gursek Thakal is dead

I feel like I'm jumping on a bandwagon here, being somewhat new and hardly been on here (got addicted to the offline campaign for some reason, building up a Shifter). Still, the grouchy barbarian got killed during a botched raid on a kobold hideout, and I figured he'd had one "miraculous recovery" too many. So I decided to leave him in that afterlife place.

Funnily enough, I think I caught one of his "teammates" (one Bennett, I believe) trying to sell Gursek's old whip when I was test-driving my new character. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. :P

So, now be on the lookout for Jakar Hukul, a very well-spoken half-orc fighter. I am somewhat addicted to orcs and other "monstrous" races... Why can't I be addicted to heroin like a normal person? :wink:
