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Sorry for tonight everyone

I don't usually get that kind of weird. My kind of weird is like, you know, that crazy wackadoo showman's weird, but this was all kinds of whoa. I'll be honest, I do not do well under the effects of energy drinks, and I appreciate your bearing with me. Especially Stardog, for giving me that temp ban so I can sleep. That's righteous of you man.

I am going to try and sleep now, and thanks again for putting up with that, guys. I'll be good about that in the future; no more Monsters for me. I only had one today because I lost a bet on how fast I could do the 8 o'clock check-ins by 4 minutes. Sorry, I'm rambling again. Uh, goodnight.

Edit: Hahahah. My title says I'm "Noble".

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okWOUSydhJI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOvaMIbx2BE&mode=related&search=

You only half tell the story. Monster was what you took to wash down that horrid Sunshine A taste ;)

Next time break it in half :P

Take it easy LTS

come back soon


I try, I try.

But I can't help loving the suit.

Peace out, man.


... Who said it's leaving?

So, is <3thesuit in trouble, or what? What exactly is the big deal? :oops:

Man you people take LTS so serious it's lol

LTS asked for a temp ban to protect themselves from doing something crazy while under the highly mind altering(lol) effects of a Monster drink.


That is sooo LTS.


I meant no hate, I was just curious! 8)

My favourite flavour is Big Black.

I like you when you're high. You talk dirty to me.