Upon Avarice -
Avarice, or Greed, is a desire for something physical, often gold or carnal pleasures. While a small indulgence is perfectly acceptable, and a slightly weighty purse useful in next to all situations, one must eternally fear the wide jaws of the Wyrm of Avarice, where inside sits gems and gold, and once one enters for them, the beast snaps shut and they may never escape.
The desire for gold or valuable items, simply for the sake of having themis to leap headfirst into the vice. If you find yourself with a heavy purse, do all you can to spend it upon useful items, or upon assisting those without coin.
Upon the Wyrm -
The Trove Lord, Abbathor as grey as Lagadeur, must not be allowed to continue. He drives good Dwarves in and keeps them eternally. He is, even in himself a pitiful servant to his glittering master, addicted to the gold and gems he claims to Lord over.
He is a fiend who teaches not only to take for the sake of taking, but also to disregard the law and honour for the sake of Avarice. He shall lead all Dwarves into a damnable trap laid forth, one so pathetic those that fall in it deserve their fate, for he simply places shiny objects before you, and you follow like a duckling and what he believes to be his mother, that really be a dark beast indeed.
~ Tolni, the Twinklebound.