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Hey all.

I've come to notice that Necromancy is very not allowed in Sanctuary, as far as I can see, anyway.

I'm just thinking about a few amazing games I have played, Ultima 8 especially, and thought one of the ideas from this could be incorporated into the EfU mod.

What I propose, is that Necromancy is no longer illegal, and there are a very few official necromancers who deal with undead matters.

This wouldn't just come about from no-where, there may have to be an event in the town where undead surge from a cave or something and a need for people specialised in death is recognized.

Also, I imagine these necromancers would be not trusted by the people of sanctuary and some people may even be scared of them, since they base their lives on death.

This is just an idea I had, not terribly developed and it would take quite a lot of work and thought, but if anyone wants to discuss it I'm always up for it.

See you around. Emryuk.

There are extremely good reasons for necromancy being heavily frowned upon in a settlement of goodly races. Namely, the animation of dead bodies being a horrible and unforgivable mockery of the deceased people involved and of life in general. Nobody wants a necromancer or their creations in the neighborhood.

That said, you can always work towards making necromancy less frowned upon if your character is so inclined. This kind of suggestions are typically goals that should be pursued In Character, not OOCly on the forums. Furthermore, there are places to be discovered in the module that should satisfy the needs of any dedicated necromancer! You just have to look around.

Note, however, that not all of necromancy is illegal -- spells such as Negative Energy Ray, Ray of Enfeeblement, Death Armor and a number of other spells belonging to the school of Necromancy are perfectly legal, even though some characters may feel uncomfortable around people who frequently use such life-draining spells drawing upon the plane of negative energy. It's mostly necromantic spells dealing with undead creatures that are strictly illegal in Sanctuary -- a wizard will not be arrested and stoned just for specializing in the school of Necromancy. (He might have a hard time dealing with the suspicions of other people, though! :wink: )

Sounds very good. The only thing is that this will only come about by IG actions which will be extremely difficult to pull off. But I say go for it.

The short version of Anthee's post, for ye with short attention spans:

Altering the personality and disposition of characters and people in the game needs to be done in-game or on the in-character forums.

(Bring along some points in charisma, by the way. Dump stat it is not.)

Keep in mind that the laws against animating the dead only exist because of a Player Character's actions!

A perfectly legit thing to work towards in game.

True enough. Work for it IC, as it was actually people IC that made it illegal. People at Council or so voted it Illegal at some point.

Oooo, this might be a very interesting chance to get some role-play done.

I think I will have to wait until my main dies, then see how I can get this going. Might enlist the help of someone else, if anyone else is interested.

When EFU started, necromancy was legal. A group of players got together and worked in the Council to make it illegal. As other people have stated, you're free to work on this in-game and reverse it all!

The spirit of Ivandur Reynolt lives on in us all.

Nickless The spirit of Ivandur Reynolt lives on in us all.

And much like he himself, it must be crushed and hidden in a dark hole so no one ever finds out what happened to it.

Some PCs have made serious steps to reaching a point where the undead would be guarding the walls of Sanctuary, and it's certainly something I would be happy to have happen if it's accomplished IG.